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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (7): 1818-1828.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34117


Effect of chlorophyll degradation rate in seed on key quality of rapeseed oil

YAN Zi-Heng(), WANG Xian-Ling, SHAO Dong-Li, GAO Geng-Dong, NING Ning, JIA Cai-Hua, KUAI Jie, WANG Bo, XU Zheng-Hua, WANG Jing, ZHAO Jie, ZHOU Guang-Sheng*()   

  1. College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System for the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
  • Received:2023-07-10 Accepted:2024-01-12 Online:2024-07-12 Published:2024-02-19
  • Contact: *E-mail: zhougs@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFD1901205)


The chlorophyll in rapeseed seed is one of the key factors hindering the production of high-quality rapeseed oil. The higher chlorophyll content in rapeseed oil is not only make it poor in appearance, but also cause rapid photooxidation reaction. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the appearance and nutritional quality of rapeseed oil by increasing the degradation rate of chlorophyll at seed ripening stage. In order to provide the theoretical and technical support for the production of high-quality rapeseed oil raw materials, a natural population consisting of 281 cultivars and breeding lines from different regions was used in a two-year field experiment in Wuhan, to investigate the chlorophyll degradation rate of rapeseed seeds, and the appearance and nutritional quality of oil, besides analysing the internal relationship between chlorophyll degradation and 1000-seed weight, oil content, oil colour, and its antioxidant capacity. The results showed that there were significant differences in chlorophyll degradation rate among different strains, and there was wide variation among the tested population materials. Correlation analysis showed that there was no significant correlation between chlorophyll degradation rate and 1000-seed weight and oil content of seed, but significantly negative correlation with the chlorophyll content of rapeseed oil. The chlorophyll content of rapeseed oil was positively correlated with the red value, yellow value, and peroxide value, while negatively correlated with antioxidant capacity of rapeseed oil. For the category with fast chlorophyll degradation rate, rapeseed oil had lighter colour, lower peroxide value, higher total phenol content, and antioxidant capacity. Compared to slow chlorophyll degrading strains, the activity of protochlorophyllide oxidoreductases (POR) enzyme was lower at 40 days after anthesis, whereas pheophorbide an oxygenase (PAO) enzyme activity was higher at 53 days after anthesis in the seeds of fast chlorophyll degrading strains, indicating that seed chlorophyll content was lower and its degradation rate was faster in seeds at the late stage of seed maturation.

Key words: rapeseed, seed chlorophyll, degradation rate, rapeseed oil, quality

Fig. 1

Main climatic factors in different growing seasons"

Fig. 2

Temporal chlorophyll content and expression patterns of BnaPOR and BnaPAO genes in rapeseed grains"

Fig. 3

Distribution of seed chlorophyll content in natural population of rapeseed"

Table 1

Phenotypic variation of seed chlorophyll content, 1000-seed weight, and oil content in natural population"

2020-2021 2021-2022
花后40 d籽粒叶绿素含量
Seed chlorophyll content at 40 days after
anthesis (mg g-1)
0.39 0.07 0.21 0.58 0.40 0.07 0.19 0.59
花后53 d籽粒叶绿素含量
Seed chlorophyll content at 53 days after
anthesis ( mg g-1)
0.35 0.12 0.01 0.60 0.10 0.10 0.01 0.45
Seed chlorophyll content degradation (mg g-1)
0.08 0.14 -0.28 0.52 0.30 0.10 0.00 0.55
1000-seed weight (g)
4.11 0.69 2.36 6.85 4.01 0.69 2.35 5.83
Oil content (%)
45.62 3.48 37.18 61.65 44.69 3.48 37.02 52.85

Fig. 4

Correlation analysis between seed chlorophyll degradation and oil content and 1000-seed weight in different growing seasons"

Fig. 5

Distribution of seed chlorophyll content decrease in 105 accessions"

Table 2

Variation analysis of chlorophyll content and rapeseed oil characters in 105 accessions"

种子叶绿素含量Seed chlorophyll content (mg kg-1) 7.18 3.28 1.28 18.11
油脂叶绿素含量Oil chlorophyll content (mg kg-1) 0.69 0.35 0.13 1.94
油脂红值 Oil red value 2.2 0.4 1.1 3.2
油脂黄值 Oil yellow value 25.6 5.0 18.0 42.0
油脂总酚含量Oil total-phenols content (mg 100 g-1) 16.55 4.08 9.88 24.98
油脂过氧化值Oil peroxide value (g 100 g-1) 0.046 0.017 0.015 0.095
油脂活性氧清除能力 Oil DPPH (μmol 100 g-1) 21.58 2.83 14.40 28.30
油脂铁离子还原能力 Oil FRAP (μmol 100 g-1) 42.47 6.23 28.40 56.24

Fig. 6

Correlation analysis between seed chlorophyll degradation rate and seed chlorophyll content (A) and seed and rapeseed oil chlorophyll contents (B) ** means significant correlation at P < 0.01."

Fig. 7

Systematic clustering of seed chlorophyll degradation rates in 105 accessions The combinations of the C and numbers represent the corresponding number of 105 accessions, respectively."

Table 3

Phenotypic analysis of chlorophyll content in different category of seeds in systematic clustering"

平均值Mean 标准差
Category I
花后40 d籽粒叶绿素含量
Seed chlorophyll content at 40 days after flowering (mg g-1)
0.51 0.05 0.45 0.59
花后53 d籽粒叶绿素含量
Seed chlorophyll content at 53 days after flowering (mg g-1)
0.04 0.03 0.01 0.09
Seed chlorophyll content degradation (mg g-1)
0.47 0.04 0.43 0.55
Category II
花后40 d籽粒叶绿素含量
Seed chlorophyll content at 40 days after flowering (mg g-1)
0.39 0.07 0.26 0.57
花后53 d籽粒叶绿素含量
Seed chlorophyll content at 53 days after flowering (mg g-1)
0.07 0.06 0.01 0.34
Seed chlorophyll content degradation (mg g-1)
0.32 0.06 0.21 0.42
Category III
花后40 d籽粒叶绿素含量
Seed chlorophyll content at 40 days after flowering (mg g-1)
0.39 0.07 0.25 0.50
花后53 d籽粒叶绿素含量
Seed chlorophyll content at 53 days after flowering (mg g-1)
0.26 0.07 0.08 0.35
Seed chlorophyll content degradation (mg g-1)
0.13 0.05 0.01 0.19

Fig. 8

Effects of seed chlorophyll degradation rate on appearance and quality of rapeseed oil Different letters indicate significant differences between different categories according to Duncan’s multiple range tests at P < 0.05."

Fig. 9

Linear regression analysis between oil chlorophyll content and appearance and quality index of oil ** means significant difference at P < 0.01."

Table 4

Analysis of variance of chlorophyll content and key indices in rapeseed oil of six accessions"

籽粒叶绿素Seed chlorophyll content 菜籽油 Rapeseed oil
花后40 d
40 days after flowering (mg g-1)
花后53 d
53 days after flowering
(mg g-1)
(mg g-1)
Chlorophyll content
(mg g-1)
Chlorophyll content
(mg g-1)
Red value
Yellow value
Peroxide value
(g 100 g-1)
phenols content
(g 100 g-1)
(μmol 100 g-1)
(μmol 100 g-1)
SWU46 0.4623 ab 0.3877 a 0.0746 8.5748 b 0.824 c 2.3 c 27 b 0.052 c 19.39 a 21.71 b 48.68 a
CY20-66 0.4832 a 0.3633 a 0.1199 13.2383 a 1.057 a 2.4 a 29 a 0.058 b 14.78 c 19.71 bc 37.72 d
Huashuang 128 0.4956 a 0.3045 b 0.1911 8.4177 b 0.894 b 2.4 b 26 c 0.068 a 12.60 d 20.20 bc 41.69 c
A82 0.4201 c 0.0187 e 0.4014 2.8724 d 0.349 e 2.0 e 21 f 0.026 f 17.63 b 28.30 a 45.61 b
Ningyou 18 0.4391 bc 0.1223 c 0.3168 4.8432 c 0.559 d 2.2 d 24 d 0.049 d 12.82 b 19.71 bc 43.11 b
CY16-35 0.4376 bc 0.0491 d 0.3885 4.7428 c 0.488 d 2.2 d 23 e 0.035 e 12.63 d 19.30 c 40.78 c

Fig. 10

Enzyme activity analysis of protochlorophyllide oxidoreductases and pheophorbide a oxygenase in developmental seeds SWU46, CY20-66, and Huashuang 128 refer to the accessions with lower seed chlorophyll degradation rate; A82, NY18, and CY16-35 refer to the accessions with higher seed chlorophyll degradation rate. Different letters indicate significant differences between different categories according to Duncan’s multiple range tests at P < 0.05."

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