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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2019, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (7): 1090-1098.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84134


Effects of air drying density on membranous lipid peroxidation and quality of cigar tobacco leaf

ZHAO Song-Chao,LI Yi-Fan,LIU Bo-Yuan,ZHAO Ming-Qin()   

  1. College of Tobacco Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450000, Henan, China
  • Received:2018-10-26 Accepted:2019-01-12 Online:2019-07-12 Published:2019-02-21
  • Contact: Ming-Qin ZHAO E-mail:zhaomingqin@126.com
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the Key Scientific and Technological Project of Hainan Province, China Tobacco Corporation: “Research of Quality Cigar Tobacco Leaf Drying Room and Research of Drying Technology”(201746000024054)


In order to understand the influence of different drying density on membranous lipid peroxidation level and cigar tobacco leaf quality, an experiment was conducted with three treatments (stem distance of 10 cm, stem distance of 20 cm, stem distance of 30 cm) of drying system to measure the temperature and humidity of drying room, tobacco leaf water content, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, antioxidant enzyme activity, polyphenol and the chemical compositions. The level of peroxidation in the treatment of 20 cm was the lowest, and had no significant correlation with the temperature and humidity in the drying room, but correlated with the water content. The activities of peroxidase (POD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and polyphenol content in leaves were the highest under the drying density of 20 cm, indicating that the drying density of 20 cm was conducive to the improvement of antioxidant enzyme activity, polyphenol content, and antioxidant capacity of tobacco leaves. The activity of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was highest at the drying density of 10 cm and the chemical components were coordinates in the treatment of 20 cm. Therefore, the air-curing density with a length of 20 cm is conducive to increasing antioxidants, reducing the damage caused by membranous lipid peroxidation and improving the quality of tobacco leaves.

Key words: air drying density, lipid peroxidation level, temperature and humidity, moisture content, enzyme activity, polyphenols, chemical composition

Table 1

Effects of drying density on humidity and moisture content of tobacco leaves in the room"

处理后天数 Days after treatment
0 d 5 d 10 d 15 d 20 d 25 d
Air temperature
杆距为10 cm的高晾制密度 T1 26.64 a 33.46 a 34.22 a 38.86 a 39.77 a 38.18 a
杆距为20 cm的中晾制密度 T2 25.08 a 32.24 b 33.16 b 37.36 b 38.98 ab 38.43 a
杆距为30 cm的低晾制密度 T3 24.18 a 31.8 b 31.72 c 36.34 c 38.42 b 36.81 a
Relative humidity (%)
杆距为10 cm的高晾制密度 T1 69.86 a 87.66 a 89.12 a 74.23 a 68.39 a 61.87 a
杆距为20 cm的中晾制密度 T2 70.14 a 82.18 b 84.05 b 66.35 b 56.34 b 56.46 a
杆距为30 cm的低晾制密度 T3 70.18 a 75.32 c 79.16 c 58.92 c 52.64 b 52.68 a
Moisture content (%)
杆距为10 cm的高晾制密度 T1 89.4 a 83.1 a 74.2 a 36.8 a 24.9 a 16.4 a
杆距为20 cm的中晾制密度 T2 90.2 a 76.3 b 61.9 b 27.2 b 16.6 b 10.3 b
杆距为30 cm的低晾制密度 T3 90.5 a 69.2 c 48.3 c 17.3 c 11.9 c 9.1 b

Fig. 1

Effect of drying density on MDA content The treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Table 2

Correlation coefficients of lipid peroxidation level with temperature, humidity and leaf moisture"

Air temperature
Relative humidity
Moisture content
杆距为10 cm的高晾制密度T1 0.817* -0.659 -0.913*
杆距为20 cm的中晾制密度T2 0.771 -0.790 -0.893*
杆距为30 cm的低晾制密度T3 0.810 -0.827* -0.917**

Fig. 2

POD(A), CAT (B), and SOD (C) activities of cigar tobacco leaves with different drying densities The treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 3

Effects of different drying densities on PPO activity in tobacco leaves The treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 4

Effects of different drying densities on chlorogenic acid (A) and rutin (B) content The treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Table 3

Effects of air density on the chemical composition of cigar tobacco leaves"

化学成分 Chemical composition
Total sugar


Reducing sugar (%)
Two sugar ratio
chloride ratio
T1 1.78 b 2.95 a 1.74 a 4.08 a 0.73 a 1.18 b 0.66 b 5.59 b
T2 1.95 a 2.81 a 1.04 b 4.23 a 0.68 a 1.41 a 0.72 a 6.22 a
T3 1.75 b 2.61 a 1.95 a 4.14 a 0.70 a 1.02 b 0.58 b 5.92 ab
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