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    12 October 2017, Volume 43 Issue 10
      Cloning of β-amylase Gene (CsBAM3) and ItsExpression ModelResponseto Cold Stress in Tea Plant
      HAO Xin-Yuan,YUEChuan,TANG Hu,QIAN Wen-Jun,WANG Yu-Chun,WANG Lu, WANG Xin-Chao,YANG Ya-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1417-1425.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01417
      Abstract ( 582 )   RICH HTML    PDF (3372KB) ( 682 )   Save
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      A major enzyme of starch breakdown in plant leaf, β-amylase (BAM), plays important roles in response to abiotic stresses. In tea plant, a differentially expressed gene involved in starch metabolism was identified from previous RNA-Seq analysis of cold acclimation. Its full-length cDNA was cloned and sequenced, showing that it is a homolog of BAM3 in Arabidopsis (named CsBAM3). CsBAM3 contains 548 amino acid residues and is grouped into subfamily II together with BAM1 and BAM3 from Arabidopsis. According to protein sequence and 3D structure analyses, CsBAM3 was considered as a chloroplast-targeted protein with β-amylase activity. Promoter cloning and sequence analysis showed a couple of responsive elements related to circadian, light, cold and phytohormone, indicating its complex regulating mechanism. CsBAM3 showed the expression higher in leaf, relative lower in stem and flower and extremely low in root. The expression of CsBAM3 in mature leaf was significantly up-regulated during the early time courses of winter cold acclimation and maintained at relative high level during the following period. With the treatments of 4℃ and 0℃, the transcript levels of CsBAM3 in both mature leaves and young shoots were dramatically increased, interestingly, much higher level was detected in young shoots. The cold environment similar to spring cold spell was created using climate chamber. And the expression changes of CsBAM3 in shoots were determined then after the tea plants were moved into climatic chamber at different sprouting phrases. CsBAM3 was quickly up-regulated by cold once the first leaf unfolded. Our study illuminated that CsBAM3 is a key β-amylase coding gene involved in starch metabolism of tea plant, which can be stimulated in both mature leaves and young shoots by cold stress.

      Phenotypes and Gene Mapping of a Thermo-sensitive Yellow Leaf Mutant of Rice
      ZHANG Tian-Yu,ZHOU Chun-Lei,LIU Xi,SUN Ai-Ling,CAO Peng-Hui,Thanhliem NGUYEN, TIAN Yun-Lu,ZHAI Hu-Qu,JIANG Ling
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1426-1433.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01426
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      Phenotypic analysis and gene mapping of rice leaf color could lay a foundation for map-based cloning of related genes and the function research of rice photosynthetic system. Leaf yellow mutant dy1 was obtained from rice cultivar “Nanjing 11”(abbreviated as NJ11) mutated by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). The mutant dy1 showed leaf yellowing at seedling stage and maturity stage in natural environment, with an abnormal structure of thylakoids under TEM, and significant differences in plant height, tiller number, seed setting rate and so on. The mutant dy1 showed albinism in 20°C,etiolation in 25°C andvirescence in 30°C.The rice leaf yellow mutant dy1 was controlled by a single recessive gene. F2 population was constructed by crossing the mutant with “02428”, and the mutant phenotypesof extreme individualswere selected to map gene dy1. The gene was located in the 115 kb region of the long arm of chromosome 1, and contained 16 ORFs. Sequencing analysis showed that LOC_Os01g73450controlling a uracil nucleotidekinase, with a single base substitution in the junction of the fourth intron and the fifth exon in dy1, might be a candidate gene.And the expression of genes relatedto chloroplast synthesis was significantly decreased, indicatingdy1 may involve in the chloroplast synthesis

      Identification of QTLs Associated with High Yield of Super Rice Variety Zhongjiazao 17
      HU Da-Wei, SHENG Zhong-Hua, CHEN Wei, LI Qian-Long, WEI Xiang-Jin, SHAO Gao-Neng,XIE Li-Hong,JIAO Gui-Ai,WANG Jian-Long,HU Pei-Song,TANG Shao-Qing
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1434-1447.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01434
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      Rice yield has obvious effect on national food security. The further excavation of high yield related genes is of great significance. In this research, a doubled haploid population (DH population) of Zhongjiazao 17 (YK17) × D50 was constructed by using the anther culture technique. The yield related traits including effective panicles per plant, grain number per panicle, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight in three different planting environments (Lingshui Hainan planting environment, high yield field in Hangzhou planting environment, low yield field in Hangzhou planting environment) were examined. Further, genetic linkage map of the DH population was constructed. A total of 74 QTLs for yield related traits were detected by QTL mapping, these QTLs were distributed on all the 12 chromosomes of rice with the contribution rate ranging from 3.7% to 43.2%. Among these QTLs, qPH1-1and qFLL12 were detected repeatedly in three different planting environments, and the contribution rate of them was 8.9%, 24.2%, 43.2% and 16.6%, 17.9%, 18.9%, respectively. In addition, qPH3, qFLL10-2, qFLW11-1, qPL11, qGNP11, qSSR3, and qTGW5-1 were detected repeatedly in two different planting environments with the contribution rate ranging from 7.4% to 42.2%. The analysis of QTL × environment interaction showed that qPH1-1, qFLW2, qEPP1,and qTGW5-1 had significant additive × environment interaction effects. GW5 sequencing, located in qTGW5-1, indicated that GW5 alleles of high yield lines and low yield lines were inherited from the parents YK17 and D50, respectively, which was consistent with that the additive effect of qTGW5-1 derived from YK17. This research provides theoretical basis and technical support for further excavation of rice yield related genes and breeding super high yield varieties by using molecular polymerization breeding.

      Combining Ability Analysis ofAgronomic Trait in Indica × IndicaHybrid Rice
      ZHANG Zheng,ZHANG Xue-Li,MO Bo-Cheng,Dai Zhi-Jun,HU Zhong-Li,LI Lan-Zhi,ZHENG Xing-Fei
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1448-1457.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01448
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      How to effectively use heterosis is the key of improving yield for rice.In present study, under North Carolina design II, 115 elite indicarice varieties, including three-way wild-abortive hybrid restorer line and mini-core collection, were separately crossed with four two-way restorer lines and one three-way sterile line to generate 575 tested crosses, and combining ability, heritability and correlations of nine agronomic traits were analyzed. Except for tillers per plant and filled grains per panicle, the general combining ability (GCA) variances of most agronomic traitswere extremely significant, and except fortillers per plant, the specific combining ability (SCA)variances of other agronomic traits wereextremely significant. The SCA of different traits in the same combination or SCA of same trait in different combinations sharing one parent were different,indicating no consistent relationship between SCA and parental GCA. Therefore, selection of high GCA parental line combining with superior SCAcombinations is the key to obtain high yield hybrid rice.

      Isolation, Expression and Binding Function Analysis of the Transcription Factor GmMYB52 in Soybean
      XU Ling**,WANG Yuan-Cong**,HE Xiao-Lan,HUANG Yi-Hong,XU Zhao-Long,SHAO Hong-Bo*,ZHANG Da-Yong*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1458-1467.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01458
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      The MYB type transcription factors are involved in plant development and response to abiotic stress. GmMYB52 was significantly up-regulated after salt treatment. In order to gain more information about GmMYB52, GmMYB52 of Williams 82 was cloned by RT-PCR. Bioinformatic analysis showed the CDS of GmMYB52 was 1083bp, encoding 360 amino acid residues. A MYB domain was found in the region of 110 to 160 amino acid residues from N-terminal. Blast results showed that GmMYB52 that highly homologous to are GmMYB62, AtMYBSt1 from Arabidopsis, MtMYB52 from Medicago sativa, OsMYBS3 from Oryza sativa and CcMYB-like protein J from Cajanus Cajan. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) results indicated that the transcription level of GmMYB52 was upregulated under ABA and low temperature stresses, under salt, drought and cold stresses, show a bimodal pattern. GmMYB52 was nearly expressed in all detected tissues, except in pods at maturing stage, and its expression level was relatively higher at seedling or flowering stages than at maturing stage. The transcription level of GmMYB52 was high in stem, leaf, and flower, during seedling and blooming stages, and low in root and pods during maturity stage. Subcellular localization results showed that GmMYB52 was located in the nucleus which is in agreement with the localization characteristics of typical transcription factors. Yeast hybrid assay indicated that GmMYB52 had transcriptional activation functions and could bind to several MYB cis-acting element motifs. In conclusion GmMYB52is a typical 1R-MYB transcription factor, and able to bind MYB cis-acting element motifs. We speculate GmMYB52 is involved in response to the abiotic stress and ABA signal transduction pathway.

      Genome-wide Identification and Expression Analysis of SRO Genes Family in Gossypium hirsutum L.
      LYU You-Jun,YANG Wei-Jun,ZHAO Lan-Jie,YAO Jin-Bo,CHEN Wei,LI Yan,ZHANG Yong-Shan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1468-1479.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01468
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      RCD-ONE proteins family (SRO) is a kind of plant-specific proteins, which plays an important role in plants in response to different abiotic stress. In this study, 12 SRO genes were preliminary identified in Gossypium hirsutum L. standard line TM-1 by bioinformatics analysis. Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that these SROs contain PARP and RST domains, and could be divided into A, B, and C subfamilies. Transcriptome data analysis showed that in the whole genome of TM-1, Gh_D12G1442 advantageously expressed in the stem, Gh_D05G2064 in the sepals and stamens, Gh_A05G3788 advantage expression in stamens, Gh_A12G1318 in stamens and fiber, Gh_A12G2480, Gh_D12G2608, Gh_A05G2257, Gh_D05G2516 advantage expression in fiber; Gh_A08G1390, Gh_D08G1685, Gh_A12G2663, and Gh_D12G2054 in wider organs. In stress treatment showed that Gh_A08G1390 was obviously induced by cold and salt treatments, Gh_D12G2054, Gh_D08G1685, Gh_A12G2663 gene were induced try different stresses to a different degrees.

      Evolutionary Fate and Expression Pattern of Genes Related to Proline Biosynthesis in Brassica napus
      WANG Cui-Ping,HUA Xue-Jun,LIN Bin,LIU Ai-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1480-1488.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01480
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      Proline accumulation is a widespread metabolic adaptation in many organisms in response to various environmental stresses, and it was proved to play protective roles for plants under adverse conditions. Polyploidization is a prominent driving force during plant evolution and many important crops have experienced this process during their evolutionary history. Brassica napus (AACC) is believed to be a newly formed allotetraploid, evolving from the inter‐specific hybridization of two diploids, B. rapa (AA) and B. oleracea (CC) followed by chromosome doubling. In this research, we studied the evolutionary fate of genes related to proline synthesis in allotetraploid (B. napus), and its diploids ancestors (B. rapa and B. oleracea), to explore the effect of polyploidition on homologous gene evolution. First, we obtained the genes for proline biosynthesis (P5CSs, OAT) by database searching, and studied the similarities and the expression regulation pattern of homologous genes in allotetraploid (B. napus), in comparison with its diploids progenitors (B. rapa and B. oleracea), in different organs and in response to salt stress. Sequence analysis and phylogenetic analysis revealed that BnaA.P5CS2.a, BnaA.P5CS2.b and BnaC.P5CS2.c originated from BraA.P5CS2.a, BraA.P5CS2.b, and BolC.P5CS2.a, respectively; BnaA.OAT.a, BnaC.OAT.b originated from BraA.OAT.a and BolC.OAT.a, respectively. And, one copy of gene loss from B. oleracea occurred for BnP5CS2 but not for BnOAT. Expression patterns of these homologous genes in response to salt stress in different organs were also characterized by semi-quantitive RT-PCR. In B. napus, two homologous gene pairs with different origins, BnaA.P5CS2.a and BnaC.P5CS2.c, BnaA.OAT.a and BnaC.OAT.b exhibited biased expression in different organs, implying possible sub-functionalization of P5CS2 and OAT. The genes BnaA.P5CS1.a and BnaC.P5CS1.d with different diploid ancestors were induced by NaCl treatment, and the expression of BnaC.P5CS1.d was higher than that of BnaA.P5CS1.a, showing a biased expression. RT-PCR manifested that preservation of expression pattern of original genes in diploid was found for P5CS1 (BnaA.P5CS1.a and BnaC.P5CS1.d), P5CS2 (BnaA.P5CS2.a and BnaC.P5CS2.c). These results suggest that the gene sequence and expression pattern existing in allotetraploid (B. napus) were conserved, which is benefit to proline accumulation for plant adaptation to environmental stresses.

      Transcriptome Analysis of Promotive Effects of Active Carbon on Growth and Development of Maize Seedlings from in vitro Cultured Immature Embryos
      WANG Jin-Ping,SUN Guo-Zhong,WANG Hai-Bo
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1489-1498.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01489
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      Immature embryos from the maize inbred line Chang 7-2 were collected at 14 days after pollination, and cultured on MS or MSA medium (MS medium plus active carbon) for nine days at 24°C. Active carbon significantly accelerated the growth and development of maize seedlings from cultured immature embryos. Using RNA-seq technique, the genes involved in the growth promotive effects of active carbon were analyzed. The presence of active carbon in the medium affected the gene expression in seedlings. Number of up- and down-regulated genes was 1612 and 530 in roots, as well as 69 and 78 in shoots, respectively, indicating that active carbon mainly affects gene expression in roots. GO enrichment analysis showed that differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in roots were mainly involved in DNA packaging, DNA packaging complex and hydrolase activity; the DEGs in shoots were mainly involved in lipid metabolic process, extracellular region and peroxidase activity. The KEGG enrichment analysis showed that the DEGs in roots were significantly associated with energy metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, cell cycle and plant hormone signal transduction. The DEGs in shoots were significantly associated with biosynthesis of ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone compounds. Several key genes involved in the cell cycle pathway (i.e., CYC, CDH1, MCM3, PCNA2, and BUB1), signal transduction of auxin (Aux/IAA) and cytochrome function (CYP450 oxidase) were significantly up-regulated by active carbon. Ten DEGs were confirmed by Real-time quantitative PCR assay, suggesting that our data and analysis of transcriptome sequencing are reliable.

      Molecular Genetic Characters of Fragrance in a New Fragrant Rice Variety Yuhui 2103
      WANG Chun-Ping,ZHANG Xian-Wei,BAI Wen-Qin,JIANG Xiao-Ying,WU Hong,LIN Qing,TANG Yong-Qun,YAO Xiong,ZHANG Wu-Jun,TANG Rong-Li,LI Jing-Yong,LEI Kai-Rong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1499-1506.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01499
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      A major component 2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) in fragrance is one of the important indices of high-quality rice, however, the biosynthetic pathway of 2AP has not been demonstrated clearly. The betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (BADH2) is considered to be closely related to 2AP biosynthesis. In this study, three mutations in Badh2 gene were screened from thirty rice varieties and a new fragrant rice variety Yuhui 2103 was discovered. The new variety has no mutation in the coding region of Badh2 gene and the Badh2 allele of Yuhui 2103 can complement the defect of the badh2-E7 allele in Yixiang 1B. From crosses between Yuhui 2103 and non-fragrant varieties the segregating ratios of F2 fragrant to non-fragrant individuals were 9:7, while from crosses between Yuhui 2103 and fragrant varieties the segregating ratios of F2 fragrant to non-fragrant individuals were 7:9, indicating that fragrance of Yuhui 2103 is not controlled by only one gene. Furthermore, expression patterns of genes involved in 2AP biosynthesis were examined by the quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) in Nipponbare, Yuhui 2103, and Yixiang 1B. There was no significant difference in transcription level of Badh2 in Nipponbare and Yuhui 2103, however, the transcription level of Badh2 inYixiang 1B was unexpectedly high. The expression levels of most of the genes involved in proline and glutamatic acid metabolism were significantly higher in Yixiang 1B than that in Nipponbare and Yuhui 2103. It is proposed that 2AP biosynthesis in Yixiang 1B is both influenced by Badh2 and the genes involved in proline and glutamatic acid metabolism, however, there is no necessary relationship between these genes and the fragrance of Yuhui 2103. The novel genetic characters of Yuhui 2103 may bring new breakthrough to the study of fragrance formation mechanism in rice.

      Effects of Different Irrigation and Fertilizer Application Regimes on Soil Enzyme Activities and Microbial Functional Diversity in Rhizosphere of Ratooning Rice
      CHEN Hong-Fei, PANG Xiao-Min, ZHANG Ren, ZHANG Zhi-Xing, XU Qian-Hua, FANG Chang-Xun, LI Jing-Yong, LIN Wen-Xiong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1507-1517.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01507
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      Irrigation and fertilizer application regime is one of key measures for high and stable yield of ratooning rice, especially for middle or low stubble ratooning rice by machine-harvest. Ascertaining rational management of water and fertilization is important for improving the axillary bud germination rate of lower nodes in middle or low stubble ratooning rice by machine-harvest. With Luyoumingzhan as a test material, the effects of different irrigation and fertilizer application regimes on ratooning tillers, soil enzyme activity and rhizosphere microbial functional diversity of ratooning rice were studied by setting up three treatments: (1) dry-wet alternate irrigation and nitrogen application for ratooning bud development (GN), (2) dry-wet alternate irrigation and no nitrogen application for ratooning bud development (G), (3) flooding irrigation and no nitrogen application for ratooning bud development (S). The different irrigation and fertilization treatments had a significant impact on the rhizosphere Eh potential and rhizosphere soil enzymes. On the 10th day after treatment, the rhizosphere soil Eh levels and the activities of rhizosphere soil polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase, phosphate monoester enzyme and hydrogen peroxide enzyme were significantly improved in G than in S. The activities of rhizosphere soil polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase, urease, invertase, phosphate monoester enzyme and hydrogen peroxide enzyme were significantly improved in GN than in G. The rhizosphere soil microbe differed significantly in use of single carbon sources and diversity of carbon metabolism under different treatments. On the 10th day after treatment, the uses of single carbon sources and diversity of carbon metabolism in GN and G were significantly greater than those in S. The abilities to utilize amino acids, phenolic acids, carboxylic acid in GN were higher than those in G. Compared with S, bleeding rate of GN and G was increased by 27.27% and 14.84%, ratooning rice tiller and yield were increased by 102.50%–111.11%, 42.50%–44.44% and 91.41%–108.72%, 37.93%–40.94% respectively. All these results indicated that dry-wet alternate irrigation or nitrogen application for ratooning bud development could improve rhizosphere soil enzyme activities and promote the uses of single carbon sources and diversity of carbon metabolism, which is conducive to increasing the effectiveness of nutrient, the formation of new roots and the axillary buds germination. The effects of dry-wet alternate irrigation coupling with fertilizer are the best for ratooning rice growth.

      Development of Cotton Canopy Structure Characteristics of Cotton Varieties Grown in Different Decades in Northern Xinjiang
      YANG Yan-Long,XIAO-Fei,XU Shou-Zhen,WANG Yu-Xuan,ZUOWen-Qing,LIANG Fu-Bin,ZHANG Wang-Feng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1518-1526.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01518
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      Widespread cultivated early maturing upland cotton varieties bred in Xinjiang in different decades (1990s, 2000s and 2010s) were used as experimental materials under mulching drip irrigation conditions. Canopy openness, mean foliage titled angle and canopy light distribution at different growing stages were measured to analyze cotton canopy structural characteristics, which provides a theoretical basis for breeding new cotton varieties and optimizing cultivation management. In the cotton varieties replacement process with yield increase, there was no significant difference in growth stage among different decades, and the growth stage of varieties grown in 2010s was relatively long. In the growth period from full boll stage to boll opening stage, the canopy openness was more reasonable and the light absorption rate was higher for the varieties in 2010s than in 1990s and 2000s; in the late growth period, the canopy openness and canopy light absorption rate for the varieties in 2010s were averagely 1.06% to 5.94% higher than those in 1990s and 2000s. Furthermore, dry matter accumulation of varieties in 2010s was averagely 11.51% to 15.59% higher than that in 1990s and 2000s, with an increasing trend in various organs. There was a consistent changing trend in leaf inclination angle for different varieties, but with a great difference among varieties and closely relating to leaf size. Therefore, with cotton varieties replacing, the appropriate leaf area index and canopy openness at the middle and later stages of cotton growth have been up to about 90% of light absorption now and got more dry matter accumulation, resulting in increased yield.

      Effect of Root-shoot Interaction on Cotton Hypocotyl Anatomy by Using Grafting Technique under Premature Senescence Induced by Potassium Deficiency
      ZHANG Qiao-Yu, ZHANG Rui, LIU Zhao-Hui,TIAN Xiao-Li
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1527-1535.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01527
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      Under potassium (K) deficiency, effect of root-shoot interaction on cotton leaf premature senescence includes shoot-dominated and root-dominated patterns. Indirect evidences from grafting study under K deficiency have suggested that scion hypocotyl of shoot-dominated pattern (CCRI41 and SCRC22 combination) may have the ability to synthesize, metabolize and/or radially by transport cytokinin (CTK) and abscisic acid (ABA), while that of root-dominated pattern (CCRI41 and CCRI49 combination) mainly delivers CTK and ABA from roots. In the present study, we observed the anatomy of scion hypocotyls of both patterns under K deficiency (0.03 mmol L–1), and evaluated if it is associated with the flux of CTK and ABA in xylem. In terms of I type grafts (one scion grafted onto one rootstock) of shoot-dominated pattern, the anatomy of scion hypocotyl was clearly influenced by rootstocks, which is inconsistent with the fact that the delivery rate of CTK and ABA in scion xylem was mainly affected by shoot. For Y type grafts (two scions grafted onto one rootstock) of shoot-dominated pattern, the scion with greater CTK flux accompanied by lower ABA flux showed growth superiority as compared with its counterpart. However, the two processes referring to flux of phytohormone in scion xylem and scion growth likely occurred concomitantly but not causally. As the results of CTK and ABA flux in scion xylem, the anatomy of scion hypocotyls of root-dominated pattern was obviously altered by rootstock in I grafts. Nevertheless, they might be also concomitant processes rather than the relationship of cause and effect. Additionally, there were significant differences in anatomy between two different scions of Y grafts of root-dominated pattern, which was disagreement with the similar CTK and ABA flux in xylem of two scions. In conclusion, the scion hypocotyl anatomy of either shoot- or root-dominated pattern regarding cotton leaf premature senescence induced by K deficiency is independent of CTK and ABA flux in its xylem. In addition, the differences in scion hypocotyl anatomy between two cultivars in I graft type were inconsistent with those in Y graft type, which is possibly due to shoot-shoot interaction in Y graft.

      Temporal-spatial Variation of Crop Water Requirement and Frequency of Drought and Waterlogging Disasters during Maize Growth Stages in Low Hilly Plain Area of Hubei Province in Last 35 Years
      HE Jun-Ou,LING Xiao-Xia,ZHANG Jian-She,ZHANG Meng,MA Di,SUN Meng,LIU Yong-Zhong,ZHAN Ming,ZHAO Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1536-1547.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01536
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      Based on 35-year (1980?2014) meteorological data from eight benchmark long-term meteorological stations in low hilly plain area of Hubei province, we analyzed the temporal-spatial variation in water requirement and frequency of drought and waterlogging disasters in different growing stages of spring, summer and autumn maize in northern, central and southeastern regions of Hubei province. The water requirement at each growth stage of a certain maize season was similar among the three regions, but much different among maize seasons. The water requirement was obviously lower in autumn maize than in spring and summer maize, and similar between spring maize and summer maize. Maize water requirement in three production regions showed a significant downward trend in the process of year by year, especially in the area of central region, with a climate tendency rate of ?18.62 mm (10a)-1. The maize in three planting seasons could easily encounter waterlogging during the period from sowing to jointing in each production region, with a higher occurrence frequency of heavy waterlogging. Light drought mainly occurred during the period from jointing to maturity in maize in three planting seasons in northern and central Hubei, whereas heavy drought occurred during maize grain filling period. In the region of southeastern Hubei, waterlogging occurrence frequency was higher than that of drought from jointing to silking in spring and summer maize. However, drought easily came up during grain filling period of maize in three planting seasons, especially summer maize and autumn maize met more frequent drought than spring maize in this period. The interannual variation of drought and waterlogging at different maize growth stages of three planting seasons in each region was not significant. Considering the mitigation in drought and waterlogging impact, it is recommended to preferentially develop summer maize in northern region, and spring maize in central and southeastern regions of Hubei province. Meanwhile, our study suggests that in production we should prevent waterlogging before maize jointing and drought after maize jointing in low hilly plain area of Hubei province.

      Response of Endosperm Cell Proliferation and Grain Yield of Summer Maize to Different Light Conditions
      GAO Jia,SHI Jian-Guo,DONG Shu-Ting,LIU Peng,ZHAO Bin,ZHANG Ji-Wang*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1548-1558.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01548
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      During the period from 2012 to 2014, Zhengdan 958 (ZD958) and Denghai 605 (DH605) were used with five treatments in a randomized complete block design with three replicates, including increasing light (L) from tassel stage (VT) to maturity stage (R6) and three shading treatments (40% of ambient light intensity) from VT to R6 (S1), from the sixth leaf stage (V6) to VT (S2), and from emergence stage (VE) to R6 (S3), and natural lighting in the field (CK). The illumination intensity of L on cloudy day was 1600?1800 μmol m-2 s-1. This experiment was conducted to explore the effects of light on endosperm cell proliferation, grain filling, starch content, dry matter accumulation and yield of summer maize. The dry matter accumulation of embryo and endosperm was significantly decreased under shading, as well as the content of starch and the endosperm cell plumpness decreased also. Effect of S3 on endosperm cell proliferation was the most, while that of S2 was the smallest. At R6, the endosperm cells number of S3, S2, S1 decreased by 33%, 6%, 29% in ZD958 and 41%, 5%, 29% in DH605. The dry matter accumulation of embryo and endosperm as well as the content of starch and the endosperm cell plumpness were increased after increasing light. The grain filling rate decreased and the days to maximum grain filling rate postponed under shading, while those increased after increasing light. The maximum grain filling rate of S1, S2, S3 decreased by 34%, 13%, 58% in ZD958 and 38%, 13%, 64% in DH605. The grain yield of S1, S2, S3 decreased by 58%, 26%, 81% in ZD958 and 67%, 27%, 81% in DH605. Results indicate that the number of endosperm cells, starch content and grain filling rate are decreased under shading, resulting in grain yield reducing, while L treatment can contribute to increasing the number of endosperm cell and grain yield.

      Genome-wide Association Analysis of Kernel Number per Row in Maize
      WU Lyu, DAI Li-Qiang, DONG Qing-Song, SHI Ting-Ting,WANG Pi-Wu*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1559-1564.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01569
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      Kernel number per row in maize is a significant trait in determining yield components and it has great significance to study its genetic mechanism. This report studied 80 Jilin maize inbred lines in field experiments at Jilin Changchun and Jilin Meihekou, and measured kernel number per row in 2014 and 2015. At the same time, whole-genome resequencing was performed for the association population using second generation sequencing technology, and the obtained single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers were used for subsequent analysis. The results revealed that the range of phenotypic traits of kernel number per row was from 12.0 to 41.6 and the broad-sensed heritability was 70.5% in four environments. A total of 19 SNP markers significantly associated with kernel number per row were detected by a genome-wide association study. Of these, two markers located at bins 2.04 and 3.08 of chromosome frame were detected in the experiments at Changchun and Meihekou in 2015, respectively, and 14 SNP markers located within the quantitative trait loci had been previously mapped. Four candidate genes, such as the genes encoding the receptor for ubiquitination targets protein, metal dependent phosphohydrolase, heavy metal transport/detoxification protein and putative protein with no characteristic function, were identified from the range of linkage disequilibrium of the significant SNP makers and predicted that they were closely associated to the development of the kernel number per row.

      Rapid Identification System of Purity and Authenticity in Cotton Varieties By SSR Markers
      WANG Xin-Yi,AI Xian-Tao,WANG Jun-Duo,LIANG Ya-Jun,GONG Zhao-Long,ZHENG Ju-Yun,Guo Jiang-Ping,MAMAT Mo-Ming,LI Xue-Yuan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(10):  1565-1572.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01565
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      SSR molecular markers were used to analyze the authenticity and purity of cotton varieties, providing a molecular basis for the identification of cotton varieties. Typical cotton varieties were used as materials, and 26 pairs of primers well-distributed on the cotton genome were ascertained as the core primers in SSR molecular identification by preliminary and multiple screening. A total of 138 alleles from 120 varieties were screened by using 26 pairs of core primers, 129 of which were polymorphic loci, with a polymorphism rate of 93.48%. Ten inbred cotton varieties were used with 26 pairs of SSR core primers to identify the variety purity. The DNA fingerprint of one variety (Yuanmian 6) shared high uniformity with that of the standard cultivar, and DNA fingerprints of other nine varieties had 8–18 loci different from those of standard cultivar. The results from SSR molecular marker matched with those from field experiments. Five specific primers were selected for testing authenticity of each cultivar from 26 core primers. The variety with highest purity was Yuanmian 6, with the purity of 98.0% and that with lowest purity was Yuanmian 1, with the purity of 90.5%. It suggests that identifying authenticity and purity of cotton varieties is feasible by SSR molecular markers.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
Tel: 8610-82108548
