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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (10): 2575-2585.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.44011


Effect of light intensity on leaf photosynthetic physiology and root system of sweet potato in the early stage of growth

JIANG Yang-Ying1,2(), TANG Ming-Jun1, ZHANG Lin-Xi1, LYU Chang-Wen1, TANG Dao-Bin1, WANG Ji-Chun1,*()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University / Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Breeding for Tuber and Root Crops in Chongqing, Chongqing 400702, China
    2Vegetable and Flower Research Institute, Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chongqing 401329, China
  • Received:2024-01-15 Accepted:2024-05-21 Online:2024-10-12 Published:2024-06-18
  • Contact: *E-mail: wjchun@swu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Chongqing Technical Innovation and Application Development Special Project(cstc2019jscx-gksbX0100)


This study investigated the impact of different light intensities on leaf photosynthetic physiology and tuberization during the early growth stage of sweet potatoes. The findings contribute to theoretical and practical strategies for achieving high yields through relay intercropping of high-position crops with sweet potatoes. To explore the photosynthetic characteristics, tissue structure, and tuberization of sweet potato leaves, a two-factor split plot experiment was conducted in 2021. The main plot consisted of three sweet potato cultivars with varying root drying rates and leaf types: S1 (Chaoshu 1), S2 (Guangshu 87), S3 (Yusu 162). The subplot included three light intensities: L200 [(200 ± 50) μmol m-2 s-1], L500 [(500 ± 50) μmol m-2 s-1], L800 [(800 ± 50) μmol m-2 s-1]. The results revealed that decreasing light intensity led to reductions in upper epidermis thickness, palisade tissue thickness, spongy tissue thickness, leaf thickness, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs), RUBP carboxylase activity, number of storage roots per plant, storage root weight per plant, and dry matter weight of storage roots. Among these parameters, the treatment with high light intensity (L800) exhibited the best performance. However, the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), chlorophyll a content, chlorophyll b content, carotenoid content, chlorophyll a/b ratio, and storage root drying rate were optimal under low light intensity (L200). Comprehensive evaluation through factor analysis revealed that the S3 variety with high root drying rate performed best under low light intensity, while the S1 variety with low root drying rate performed the worst. Sweet potato leaves primarily enhance light energy capture by increasing the content of photosynthetic pigments and leaf area index. They adapt to low light environments through plasticity in leaf anatomical structure, photosynthetic physiology, and RUBP carboxylase activity.

Key words: sweet potato, light intensity, leaf tissue structure, photosynthetic characteristics, yield

Table 1

Sources and characteristics of tested cultivars"

Leaf shape
Dry matter content (%)
Chaoshu 1
Crop Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Lobed leaf margin
Guangshu 87
Crop Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Dissected leaf margin
Yusu 162
重庆市甘薯研究中心, 江苏省农业科学研究院
Chongqing Sweet Potato Research Center, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Heart-shaped leaf shape

Fig. 1

Effects of different treatments on the leaf tissue structure of sweet potatoes UE: upper epidermis; LE: lower epidermis; PT: palisade tissue; ST: spongy tissue. S1: Chaoshu 1; S2: Guangshu 87; S3: Yusu 162. L200: 200 μmol m-2 s-1; L500: 500 μmol m-2 s-1; L800: 800 μmol m-2 s-1."

Table 2

ANOVA and multiple comparisons of leaf tissue structure and LAI for different treatments"

Sweet potato cultivar
Light intensity
Upper epidermis thickness
Lower epidermis thickness
Palisade tissue thickness
Spongy tissue thickness
Blade thickness
S1 L200 14.03±0.76 h 31.17±0.30 a 44.19±2.89 f 57.92±3.00 e 147.31±2.52 g 5.85±0.09 a
L500 21.47±0.36 e 25.49±1.12 c 60.99±1.00 d 75.44±7.74 c 183.39±6.05 d 3.84±0.30 d
L800 25.89±0.53 c 20.93±1.50 e 81.97±0.53 a 95.09±3.02 a 223.89±1.38 a 3.44±0.06 e
S2 L200 24.67±0.85 d 29.12±0.35 b 43.63±1.80 f 45.41±0.58 f 142.83±1.84 g 4.10±0.10 c
L500 27.36±0.24 b 24.29±0.82 cd 59.33±0.48 d 64.83±0.23 d 175.81±1.59 e 3.80±0.08 d
L800 28.91±0.33 a 24.08±0.32 cd 76.77±0.09 b 82.29±3.53 b 212.05±3.59 b 3.03±0.11 f
S3 L200 16.77±0.96 g 23.68±0.07 d 42.28±0.74 f 73.91±0.88 c 156.64±2.46 f 5.02±0.08 b
L500 18.29±0.21 f 24.35±1.04 cd 56.68±1.83 e 83.61±3.97 b 182.93±4.18 d 3.56±0.04 e
L800 21.63±0.22 e 23.68±0.07 d 69.85±0.86 c 84.40±3.27 b 199.56±3.85 c 3.00±0.06 f
方差分析(F值) ANOVA (F-value)
品种Sweet potato cultivar (S) 776.75** 25.37** 75.60** 105.24** 40.43** 120.50**
光照强度Light intensity (L) 372.67** 82.84** 1482.52** 112.69** 577.78** 422.51**
品种×光照强度(S×L) 50.51** 30.24** 13.10** 11.55** 16.24** 33.64**

Table 3

ANOVA and multiple comparisons of basic photosynthetic parameters and RUBP carboxylase activity for different treatments"

Sweet potato
(μmol m-2 s-1)
(μmol mol-1)
(mmol m-2 s-1)
(mol m-2 s-1)
RUBP carboxylase activity
(IU g-1)
S1 L200 7.92±0.79 e 365.90±4.60 a 1.46±0.03 g 0.31±0.02 g 0.83±0.01 e
L500 16.74±0.45 c 323.33±0.79 c 1.88±0.05 e 0.42±0.00 d 1.13±0.00 c
L800 19.81±0.17 b 267.80±5.09 d 3.33±0.16 b 0.53±0.00 b 1.20±0.02 a
S2 L200 8.84±0.34 e 362.55±1.69 a 1.38±0.05 gh 0.35±0.01 f 1.02±0.00 d
L500 14.05±0.70 d 327.35±2.32 c 2.68±0.05 c 0.43±0.02 d 1.12±0.02 c
L800 21.33±1.81 a 244.92±3.98 f 3.54±0.07 a 0.62±0.01 a 1.17±0.02 b
S3 L200 8.13±0.29 e 342.95±2.99 b 1.28±0.07 h 0.33±0.01 fg 0.77±0.01 f
L500 12.78±0.56 d 255.99±0.03 e 1.63±0.02 f 0.37±0.00 e 1.03±0.02 d
L800 16.35±0.23 c 180.59±2.53 g 2.17±0.04 d 0.47±0.01 c 1.16±0.01 b
方差分析(F值) ANOVA (F-value)
品种 Sweet potato cultivar (S) 41.53** 965.31** 312.35** 81.04** 98.85**
光照强度 Light intensity (L) 382.36** 3708.55** 1168.95** 688.97** 1276.49**
品种×光照强度(S×L) 11.27** 106.51** 89.66** 22.75** 93.47**

Table 4

ANOVA and multiple comparisons of photosynthetic pigments in leaves of different treatments"

Sweet potato cultivar
Light intensity
Chlorophyll a content
(mg g-1)
Chlorophyll b content
(mg g-1)
Carotenoid content
(mg g-1)
Chlorophyll a/b
S1 L200 2.54±0.06 d 0.51±0.11 cd 0.04±0.00 c 5.11±1.21 ab
L500 1.90±0.07 f 0.35±0.01 g 0.03±0.00 d 5.50±0.14 ab
L800 2.01±0.13 f 0.37±0.03 fg 0.04±0.00 d 5.37±0.17 ab
S2 L200 3.17±0.13 b 0.68±0.02 b 0.05±0.00 b 4.67±0.05 b
L500 2.41±0.10 de 0.46±0.02 de 0.04±0.00 c 5.28±0.04 ab
L800 2.31±0.04 e 0.42±0.01 efg 0.04±0.00 c 5.48±0.03 ab
S3 L200 3.93±0.18 a 0.81±0.05 a 0.07±0.00 a 4.87±0.13 b
L500 2.46±0.09 de 0.43±0.02 ef 0.04±0.00 c 5.71±0.09 a
L800 2.95±0.14 c 0.55±0.02 c 0.05±0.00 b 5.41±0.03 ab
方差分析(F值) ANOVA (F-value)
品种 Sweet potato cultivar (S) 743.09** 56.84** 348.63** 0.88
光照强度 Light intensity (L) 155.80** 79.58** 95.18** 5.04*
品种×光照强度(S×L) 11.69** 5.26* 10.37** 0.49

Table 5

ANOVA and multiple comparisons of dry matter of nodules and tubers in different treatments"

Sweet potato cultivar
Light intensity
Storage root number
(lump plant-1)
Storage root weight
per plant (g plant-1)
Storage root dry matter weight (g)
Storage root drying rate (%)
S1 L200 3.00±0.00 cd 133.08±6.82 e 22.70±1.45 e 0.17±0.01 f
L500 3.67±0.58 bc 210.53±2.85 b 34.19±0.06 d 0.16±0.00 g
L800 5.33±0.58 a 232.65±3.32 a 37.07±0.58 c 0.16±0.00 g
S2 L200 3.67±0.58 bc 95.82±3.41 f 22.05±0.54 e 0.23±0.00 d
L500 4.33±0.58 b 149.27±6.41 d 33.14±1.23 d 0.22±0.01 e
L800 5.33±0.58 a 179.47±8.54 c 40.80±1.48 b 0.23±0.00 de
S3 L200 2.33±0.58 d 125.69±4.20 e 38.32±1.00 c 0.31±0.00 a
L500 3.00±0.00 cd 147.72±5.11 d 41.13±1.64 b 0.28±0.00 b
L800 4.33±0.58 b 184.48±0.69 c 48.30±0.85 a 0.26±0.00 c
方差分析(F值) ANOVA (F-value)
品种 Sweet potato cultivar (S) 15.50* 119.48** 215.39** 668.29**
光照强度 Light intensity (L) 31.50** 833.15** 373.68** 117.21**
品种×光照强度 (S×L) 0.38 34.71** 20.00** 45.66**

Table 6

Factor analysis of leaf physiology and root system indicators for different treatments"

载荷系数Load factor 共同度
Principal component 1 (PC1)
Principal component 2 (PC2)
Principal component 3 (PC3)
上表皮厚度Upper epidermis thickness 0.959 -0.099 -0.053 0.932
单株结薯数Storage root number 0.858 0.054 -0.320 0.841
Tr 0.840 0.199 -0.355 0.871
Gs 0.840 0.344 -0.285 0.906
RUBP羧化酶活性RUBP carboxylase activity 0.788 0.239 -0.430 0.863
Pn 0.746 0.428 -0.462 0.954
栅栏组织厚度Palisade tissue thickness 0.735 0.474 -0.444 0.961
LAI -0.748 -0.500 0.104 0.821
块根干物质重Storage root dry matter weight 0.272 0.942 0.086 0.968
叶片厚度Blade thickness -0.220 0.910 0.319 0.979
海绵组织厚度Spongy tissue thickness 0.280 0.839 -0.288 0.865
Ci -0.432 -0.802 0.076 0.836
下表皮厚度Lower epidermis thickness -0.483 -0.712 -0.012 0.740
叶绿素a含量Chlorophyll a content -0.314 0.005 0.927 0.958
叶绿素b含量Chlorophyll b content -0.286 -0.180 0.911 0.944
类胡萝卜素含量Carotenoid content -0.300 0.116 0.910 0.932
块根干率Storage root drying rate -0.165 0.444 0.806 0.874
单株薯重Storage root weight per plant 0.405 0.489 -0.652 0.828
叶绿素a/b Chlorophyll a/b 0.013 0.534 -0.531 0.567
特征值Eigenvalue 10.572 4.195 1.875
方差贡献率Variance contribution rate (%) 55.642 22.081 9.867
累积方差贡献率Cumulative variance contribution (%) 55.642 77.722 87.589
旋转后方差贡献率Rotated variance contribution (%) 33.824 27.495 26.269
Cumulative rotated variance contribution (%)
33.824 61.320 87.589

Table 7

Comprehensive score and ranking of factor analysis for different treatments"

Sweet potato cultivar
Light intensity
PC1 score
PC2 score
PC3 score
Comprehensive score
Composite score ranking
S1 L200 -1.54 -1.14 -0.81 -1.195 9
L500 -0.40 -0.07 -1.42 -0.602 8
L800 0.98 0.35 -0.96 0.200 4
S2 L200 0.34 -1.73 1.10 -0.082 7
L500 0.69 -0.66 0.03 0.068 5
L800 1.56 0.17 -0.03 0.647 2
S3 L200 -1.00 0.52 1.80 0.317 3
L500 -0.95 1.17 -0.24 -0.071 6
L800 0.32 1.39 0.54 0.722 1

Fig. 2

Correlation analysis of screened indicators * and ** indicate significant correlations at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. Gs: stomatal conductance; Pn: net photosynthetic rate."

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