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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (7): 1787-1804.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32056


Effects of alternate wetting and drying irrigation and different nitrogen application levels on photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen absorption and utilization of japonica rice

FU Jing1(), MA Meng-Juan1, ZHANG Qi-Fei1, DUAN Ju-Qi2, WANG Yue-Tao1, WANG Fu-Hua1, WANG Sheng-Xuan1, BAI Tao1, YIN Hai-Qing1,*(), WANG Ya1,*()   

  1. 1Cereal Research Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
    2National Climate Center, China Meteorology Administration, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2023-12-18 Accepted:2024-04-01 Online:2024-07-12 Published:2024-04-17
  • Contact: *E-mail: yinhq98@163.com; E-mail: wangya840212@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Henan Provincial Science and Technology Research Program(222102110019);Special Program for Key Research and Development of Henan Province(231111110500);Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Independent Innovation Project(2023ZC015);Special Fund for Henan Agriculture Research System(HARS-22-03-S);Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Rice Science and Technology Innovation Team Project(2023TD29);Fundamental Research Project of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(2023JC05)


Soil water potential and nitrogen nutrients are the important factors affecting photosynthetic characteristics in leaves and nitrogen absorption and utilization of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Little is known, however, how synergistic the two factors under alternative wetting and drying irrigation (AWD) can be in terms of nitrogen metabolism enzyme activity, grain yield, and nitrogen use efficiencies. A field experiment was conducted using a super rice variety of Nanjing 9108 with five nitrogen levels, namely, no nitrogen applied (N0), 90 (N1), 180 (N2), 270 (N3), and 360 kg hm-2 (N4), and two irrigation regimes, namely, conventional irrigation (CI) and AWD over two years. Our results revealed significant interaction between irrigation and nitrogen levels. At the same nitrogen levels, the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid, net photosynthetic rate, the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, nitrate reductase, glutamine synthetase, and glutamic acid synthetase at main growth stages were higher in AWD than those in CI. Furthermore, the activities of nitrate reductase, glutamine synthetase, glutamic acid synthetase, and glutamate dehydrogenase in roots of rice were also increased, but the activities of peroxidase, endopeptidase, and the content of malondialdehyde in leaves were lower. AWD treatment increased grain yield by an average of 10.4% compared with CI, and also enhanced nitrogen transport capacity, nitrogen transport efficiency, nitrogen absorption, utilization efficiency, and partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer. AWD coupled with N3 had the highest yield and nitrogen use efficiency; this treatment was the optimal water-nitrogen interaction management model in this study. These results suggest that adopting AWD with an appropriate nitrogen rate promotes nitrogen metabolism in roots and leaves and improves photosynthetic characteristics of leaves, thereby synergistically increasing grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in rice.

Key words: rice, alternate wetting and drying irrigation, nitrogen rate, photosynthetic characteristics, nitrogen metabolism enzyme, nitrogen absorption and utilization

Table 1

Average temperature, sunshine hours, and precipitation during rice growing seasons"

Meteorological condition
2018 平均气温 Temperature (℃) 21.81 26.86 28.44 27.61 20.99 15.46
日照时数 Sunshine (h) 202.1 226.8 195.5 251.7 191.1 210.5
降雨量 Precipitation (mm) 93.2 96.8 66.1 111.0 97.7 0
2019 平均气温 Temperature (℃) 21.63 27.91 28.74 26.04 21.63 16.10
日照时数 Sunshine (h) 242.0 200.8 208.9 179.2 187.1 143.5
降雨量 Precipitation (mm) 1.0 67.0 21.8 105.8 53.4 71.2

Table 2

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application level on grain yield and its components of rice"

Panicle number
(×104 hm-2)
Spikelets per panicle
Total number of spikelets
(×106 hm-2)
Seed-setting rate (%)
1000-grain weight (g)
Grain yield
(t hm-2)
2018 CI+N0 228.1 h 113.7 h 259.3 i 89.5 a 25.8 a 5.99 h
CI+N1 263.3 f 127.9 f 336.8 g 84.1 b 25.6 a 7.25 f
CI+N2 286.5 d 139.1 e 398.5 e 81.8 c 25.1 b 8.18 e
CI+N3 324.7 b 148.5 c 482.2 c 78.1 d 24.9 b 9.38 b
CI+N4 323.8 b 156.8 b 507.7 b 68.9 f 24.1 c 8.43 d
AWD+N0 237.3 g 121.2 g 287.6 h 90.8 a 25.8 a 6.74 g
AWD+N1 272.7 e 136.3 e 371.7 f 85.2 b 25.7 a 8.14 e
AWD+N2 295.7 c 144.7 d 427.9 d 81.6 c 25.5 ab 8.90 c
AWD+N3 331.7 a 155.6 b 516.1 b 78.7 d 25.2 b 10.24 a
AWD+N4 330.3 a 163.1 a 538.7 a 71.2 e 24.3 c 9.32 b
2019 CI+N0 226.9 h 113.5 h 257.5 i 88.7 a 25.9 a 5.92 h
CI+N1 262.7 f 126.1 f 331.3 g 83.7 b 25.6 a 7.10 f
CI+N2 284.6 d 137.8 e 392.2 e 80.7 c 25.0 b 7.91 e
CI+N3 324.5 b 148.2 c 480.9 c 76.9 d 24.8 b 9.17 b
CI+N4 323.4 b 155.9 b 504.2 b 68.1 f 24.2 c 8.31 d
AWD+N0 234.8 g 120.7 g 283.4 h 89.8 a 25.9 a 6.59 g
AWD+N1 270.2 e 134.2 e 362.6 f 84.6 b 25.5 ab 7.82 e
AWD+N2 295.8 c 143.8 d 425.4 d 80.9 c 25.3 b 8.71 c
AWD+N3 332.9 a 154.6 b 514.7 b 77.4 d 25.1 b 10.00 a
AWD+N4 329.1 a 162.7 a 535.4 a 70.8 e 24.4 c 9.25 b
方差分析 ANOVA
年份 Year (Y) ns ns ns ns ns ns
灌溉 Irrigation (I) ** ** ** ** ** **
施氮量N rate (N) ** ** ** ** ** **
年份×灌溉 Y × I ns ns ns ns ns ns
年份×施氮量 Y × N ns ns ns ns ns ns
灌溉×施氮量 I × N * * * ns ns *
年份×灌溉×施氮量 Y × I × N ns ns ns ns ns ns

Fig. 1

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application level on photosynthetic pigment content in leaves of rice at different growth stage CI: conventional irrigation; AWD: alternate wetting and drying; N0: no nitrogen applied; N1: nitrogen at 90 kg hm-2; N2: nitrogen at 180 kg hm-2; N3: nitrogen at 270 kg hm-2; N4: nitrogen at 360 kg hm-2. MT: middle tillering stage; PI: panicle initiation stage; HD: heading stage; MA: maturity stage. Different letters denote significantly different between treatments at the 0.05 probability level."

Fig. 2

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application level on net photosynthetic rate in leaves of rice at different growth stage CI: conventional irrigation; AWD: alternate wetting and drying; N0: no nitrogen applied; N1: nitrogen at 90 kg hm-2; N2: nitrogen at 180 kg hm-2; N3: nitrogen at 270 kg hm-2; N4: nitrogen at 360 kg hm-2. MT: middle tillering stage; PI: panicle initiation stage; HD: heading stage; MA: maturity stage. Different letters denote significantly different between treatments at the 0.05 probability level."

Fig. 3

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application level on lipid membrane peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activity in leaves of rice at different growth stage CI: conventional irrigation; AWD: alternate wetting and drying; N0: no nitrogen applied; N1: nitrogen at 90 kg hm-2; N2: nitrogen at 180 kg hm-2; N3: nitrogen at 270 kg hm-2; N4: nitrogen at 360 kg hm-2. MT: middle tillering stage; PI: panicle initiation stage; HD: heading stage; MA: maturity stage. Different letters denote significantly different between treatments at the 0.05 probability level."

Fig. 4

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application level on enzyme activity of nitrogen metabolism in leaves of rice at different growth stage CI: conventional irrigation; AWD: alternate wetting and drying; N0: no nitrogen applied; N1: nitrogen at 90 kg hm-2; N2: nitrogen at 180 kg hm-2; N3: nitrogen at 270 kg hm-2; N4: nitrogen at 360 kg hm-2. MT: middle tillering stage; PI: panicle initiation stage; HD: heading stage; MA: maturity stage. Different letters denote significantly different between treatments at the 0.05 probability level."

Fig. 5

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application level on enzyme activity of nitrogen metabolism in roots of rice at different growth stage CI: conventional irrigation; AWD: alternate wetting and drying; N0: no nitrogen applied; N1: nitrogen at 90 kg hm-2; N2: nitrogen at 180 kg hm-2; N3: nitrogen at 270 kg hm-2; N4: nitrogen at 360 kg hm-2. MT: middle tillering stage; PI: panicle initiation stage; HD: heading stage; MA: maturity stage. Different letters denote significantly different between treatments at the 0.05 probability level."

Fig. 6

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application level on nitrogen accumulation amount of rice at different growth stage CI: conventional irrigation; AWD: alternate wetting and drying; N0: no nitrogen applied; N1: nitrogen at 90 kg hm-2; N2: nitrogen at 180 kg hm-2; N3: nitrogen at 270 kg hm-2; N4: nitrogen at 360 kg hm-2. MT: middle tillering stage; PI: panicle initiation stage; HD: heading stage; MA: maturity stage. Different letters denote significantly different between treatments at the 0.05 probability level."

Table 3

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application level on nitrogen translocation amount and rate in stem-sheath and leaves of rice"

Accumulation at heading stage (kg hm-2)
Accumulation at maturity stage (kg hm-2)
N translocation amount
(kg hm-2)
N translocation
efficiency (%)
2018 CI+N0 55.7 f 32.6 i 23.1 h 41.5 g
CI+N1 95.6 e 48.7 g 46.9 f 49.1 e
CI+N2 128.7 d 61.5 e 67.2 d 52.2 d
CI+N3 160.7 c 72.6 c 88.1 b 54.8 c
CI+N4 168.6 ab 79.7 a 88.9 b 52.7 d
AWD+N0 54.8 f 28.6 j 26.2 g 47.8 f
AWD+N1 94.7 e 44.3 h 50.4 e 53.2 d
AWD+N2 130.5 d 57.4 f 73.1 c 56.0 b
AWD+N3 164.2 b 66.8 d 97.4 a 59.3 a
AWD+N4 172.8 a 75.7 b 97.1 a 56.2 b
2019 CI+N0 54.3 f 31.7 i 22.6 h 41.6 g
CI+N1 94.8 e 49.3 g 45.5 f 48.0 f
CI+N2 128.4 d 62.1 e 66.3 d 51.6 e
CI+N3 159.8 c 71.5 c 88.3 b 55.3 c
CI+N4 170.7 a 80.9 a 89.8 b 52.6 e
AWD+N0 55.3 f 29.2 i 26.1 g 47.2 f
AWD+N1 95.1 e 43.8 h 51.3 e 53.9 d
AWD+N2 131.8 d 59.1 f 72.7 c 55.2 c
AWD+N3 163.7 b 67.5 d 96.2 a 58.8 a
AWD+N4 171.6 a 74.9 b 96.7 a 56.4 b
方差分析 ANOVA
年份 Year (Y) ns ns ns ns
灌溉 Irrigation (I) ** ** ** **
施氮量N rate (N) ** ** ** **
年份×灌溉 Y × I ns ns ns ns
年份×施氮量 Y × N ns ns ns ns
灌溉×施氮量 I × N ns * ** *
年份×灌溉×施氮量 Y × I × N ns ns ns ns

Table 4

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application level on nitrogen use efficiency of rice"

efficiency of
applied N
efficiency of
applied N
(kg kg-1)
N use efficiency
for grain
(kg kg-1)
efficiency of
applied N
(kg kg-1)
Partial factor
production of
applied N
(kg kg-1)
2018 CI+N0 57.3 b
CI+N1 46.8 c 30.0 a 49.4 d 14.0 b 80.6 b
CI+N2 44.2 d 27.6 b 44.4 ef 12.2 d 45.5 d
CI+N3 43.3 d 29.0 a 42.3 g 12.5 cd 34.7 f
CI+N4 34.4 f 19.7 d 36.9 h 6.8 e 23.4 h
AWD+N0 63.6 a
AWD+N1 52.9 a 29.4 a 53.0 c 15.6 a 90.4 a
AWD+N2 50.5 b 23.8 c 45.2 e 12.0 d 49.5 c
AWD+N3 47.7 c 27.2 b 43.6 f 13.0 c 37.9 e
AWD+N4 40.5 e 17.7 e 37.0 h 7.2 e 25.9 g
2019 CI+N0 56.8 b
CI+N1 45.6 c 30.8 a 48.9 d 13.1 b 78.9 b
CI+N2 43.1 d 25.8 d 43.5 ef 11.1 e 44.0 d
CI+N3 43.0 d 28.0 b 41.6 g 12.1 cd 34.0 f
CI+N4 34.2 f 19.4 f 36.5 h 6.6 g 23.1 h
AWD+N0 62.0 a
AWD+N1 50.9 a 26.9 c 51.4 c 13.7 a 86.9 a
AWD+N2 49.3 b 23.8 e 44.6 e 11.7 d 48.4 c
AWD+N3 46.9 c 26.9 c 42.9 f 12.6 c 37.0 e
AWD+N4 39.8 e 18.6 f 37.0 h 7.4 f 25.7 g
方差分析 ANOVA
年份 Year (Y) ns ns ns ns ns
灌溉 Irrigation (I) ** ** ** ** **
施氮量N rate (N) ** ** ** ** **
年份×灌溉 Y × I ns ns ns ns ns
年份×施氮量 Y × N ns ns ns ns ns
灌溉×施氮量 I × N * ns ns * *
年份×灌溉×施氮量 Y × I × N ns ns ns ns ns
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