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    12 May 2014, Volume 40 Issue 05
      Validation and Dissection of Minor QTL qTGW1.2 for Thousand-Grain Weight in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      CHEN Yu-Yu,ZHU Yu-Jun,ZHANG Hong-Wei,WANG Lin-Lin,FAN Ye-Yang,ZHUANG Jie-Yun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  761-768.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00761
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      Validation and dissection of a minor QTL qTGW1.2 for 1000-grain weight located on the long arm of rice chromosome 1 was reported. Following previous mapping result, two plants carrying heterozygous segments covering the intervals RM11621-RM297 and RM212-RM265, respectively, were selected from the Zhenshan 973/Milyang 46 BC2F7 population. Two sets of near isogenic lines (NILs) in the BC2F8:9 generation were established. QTL analysis using the two NIL sets delimited qTGW1.2 to a region flanked by RM11730 and RM11885. Then, five BC2F9 plants with sequential heterozygous segments overlapped in the region covering qTGW1.2 were selected. From the selfed seeds five BC2F10 populations were constructed and used for QTL analysis by Windows QTL Cartographer 2.5. QTLs for 1000-grain weight were detected in each of the five populations. The additive effect ranged from 0.13 to 0.38 g with the enhancing alleles derived from Milyang 46. Based on comparison of the segregating regions among the five populations, we separated qTGW1.2 into two QTLs, of which qTGW1.2a displaying additive genetic action was located in a 934 kb region flanked by RM11730 and RM11762, and qTGW1.2b displaying positive over-dominance was located in a 2.1 Mb region flanked by RM11800 and RM11885.

      Physiological Characterization and Gene Fine Mapping of a Leaf Early Senescence and Salt-Sensitive Mutant osles in Rice
      MAO Jie-Jing,ZHAO Chen-Chen,HUANG Fu-Deng,PAN Gang,CHENG Fang-Min
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  769-778.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00769
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      A osles (Oryza sativa leaf early-senescence and salt-sensitive) mutant, produced by 60Co γ-radiation treatment of indica cultivar Zixuan 1, was identified. The osles showed yellow at tip and margin of leaf blade with red brown spots during growth at tillering stage. In addition, under salt stress, the leaves were rolled and wilted, and plant height and plant dry weight were significantly decreased. Compared with the control plant, in the mutant plant, the contents of chlorophyll and soluble protein decreased significantly, while the activities of SOD and POD increased significantly; higher soluble protein content appeared in the 1st and 2nd leaves from top, and decreased in the 3rd leaf. Genetic analysis indicated that osles was controlled by a recessive nuclear gene, which was finely mapped in a 210 kb interval between two markers IN6-005769-11/12 and RM20547 on long arm of chromosome 6. These results will facilitate the positional cloning and functional studies of the gene.

      Association Mapping and Resistant Alleles Analysis for Sheath Blight Resistance in Rice
      SUN Xiao-Tang,LU Dong-Dong,OU-YANG Lin-Juan,HU Li-Fang,BIAN Jian-Min,PENG Xiao-Song,CHEN Xiao-Rong,FU Jun-Ru,HE Xiao-Peng,HE Hao-Hua*,ZHU Chang-Lan*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  779-787.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00779
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      To identify and map sheath blight (ShB) resistance loci in rice, we carried out association analysis of 456 rice accessions using 144 genome-wide markers based on GLM (Q), MLM (Q+K), and MLM (PCA+K) models of TASSEL software. The phenotyping were assayed at the seedling stage with a micro-chamber screening method. The results showed that thirteen markers were significantly associated with ShB resistance detected by using at least two models, which explained from 1.84% to 8.42% of the phenotypic variance. In addition, ten of the identified resistant loci were either quite near or within the interval of previously identified QTLs. RM1036, RM5371, and RM7585 were novel resistant loci that had not been previously reported. The resistant allele 150 of RM7585 showed the largest negative effect to ShB rating, allele 129 of RM5371 existed in 259 (56.8%) of 456 rice accessions, and 82 of RM1036 existed in 26 (5.7%) rice accessions. The number of putative resistant alleles presented in rice was highly and significantly correlated with the decrease of ShB rating. The resistant alleles identified in this study are readily available and can be exploited for marker-assisted selection.
      Genetic Diversity, Population Structure and Linkage Disequilibrium in Adzuki Bean by Using SSR Markers
      BAI Peng,CHENG Xu-Zhen*,WANG Li-Xia,WANG Su-HuaCHEN Hong-Lin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  788-797.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00788
      Abstract ( 1068 )   RICH HTML    PDF (4779KB) ( 1979 )   Save
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      A total of 249 Chinese adzuki bean accessions were analyzed with 57 adzuki bean SSR markers and 31 mungbean SSR markers to ascertain genetic diversity, population structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) with five Japanese materials as the contrast. The results indicated that 630 alleles were detected with 2–17 alleles per locus and a mean genetic diversity index of 0.574, ranging from 0.024 to 0.898. There were significant differences among 15 populations of adzuki bean resources in genetic diversity from diversed geographic origins, with the highest in Yunnan and the lowest in Hebei and Tianjin. The 254 adzuki bean accessions could be divided into three subgroups based on STRUCTURE and NJ cluster. The population structure derived from them was positively correlated to some extent with the geographic eco-type. LD analysis revealed that there was a shorter LD decay distance in adzuki bean than that in other crops. The maximum LD decay distance, estimated by curvilinear regression, was 5.8 cM (R2>0.1), with a whole genome LD decay distance less than1 cM (R2>0.1, P<0.001). The results of this study should provide valuable information for future association mapping using this Chinese adzuki bean collection.

      Wheat|Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici|Resistance gene|Pm2|Molecular marker
      SONG Wei,SUN Hui-Gai,SUN Yan-Ling,ZHAO Zi-Hui,WANG Xiao-Ming,WU Xiao-Fei,LI Hong-Jie
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  798-804.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00798
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      Wennong 14 is a facultative wheat cultivar commercialized in Shandong province and the neighbouring provinces in the northern part of Yellow and Huai River Valleys Facultative Wheat Zone in China. In this study, an array of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) isolates were used to test the resistance of Wennong 14 to powdery mildew at both seedling and adult stages. Among the 52 Bgt isolates tested at seedling stage, Wennong 14 was resistant to 43 and susceptible to 9 isolates. The virulence pattern of these Bgt isoaltes on Wennong 14 was similar as that of the known powdery mildew resistance gene Pm2, but the reactions of Wennong 14 to 11 Bgt isolates differed from those of Ulka/8*Cc carrying Pm2. Additionally, Wennong 14 was different from Tabasco carrying Pm46 in the reaction to three isoaltes when tested with 26 Bgt isolates. Wennong 14 was highly resistant to a mixture of Bgt isolates at adult stage. Using segregation populations of F2 and F2:3 developed from the cross of Wennong 14 × Han 4564, genetic analysis demonstrated that the resistance against Bgt isolate E09 was controlled by a single dominant gene, designated PmW14. Based on the results of molecular analysis, PmW14 was linked to markers Xcfd8, Xcfd81, and SCAR203, with genetic distances of 7.5, 1.8, and 7.7 cM, respectively. Because these markers were previously localized on wheat chromosome 5DS in the negion of 5DS-1-0-0.63 and linked to gene Pm2, PmW14 was most likely located on this locus and to be either the same as or an allele of Pm2.

      Resistance to Two Species of Cereal Cyst Nematode and Its Evaluation Methods in 47 Major Wheat Cultivars in Henan Province, China
      XING Xiao-Ping,YUAN Hong-Xia,SUN Jun-Wei,ZHANG Jie,SUN Bing-Jian,LI Hong-Lian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  805-815.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00805
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      Resistance to cereal cyst nematode (CCN) is an important breeding target in wheat. In this study, we evaluated the resistance to CCN Xingyang population (Heterodera avenae) and Xuchang population (H. filipjevi) in 47 wheat cultivars from Henan Province, China through greenhouse and field tests. The CCN resistance was evaluated by the methods of average number of white female per plant, relative resistance index (RRI) and Pf /Pi ratio. All cultivars were susceptible to H. avenae and H. filipjevi evaluated by average number of white female per plant after artificial inoculation in greenhouse. However, Taikong 6, Xinmai 11, Zhongyu 6, and Xinmai 18 showed resistance to H. avenae based on RRI evaluation. In field test, when evaluated with average number of white female per plant, there were a few resistant cultivars, including Taikong 6 and Xinmai 18 with high resistance and 10 cultivars (such as Zhongyu 6 and Xinmai 11) with moderate resistance to H. avenae, and Zhongyu 6 and Taikong 6 with high resistance and three cultivars (Yanzhan 4110, Pumai 9, and Yunong 201) with moderate resistance to H. filipjevi. The result of RRI evaluation showed that Taikong 6 was highly resistant to H. avenae, and Xinmai 18, Zhongyu 6 and Xinmai 11 were resistant to H. avenae; Zhongyu 6 and Taikong 6 were highly resistant to H. filipjevi and 4 cultivars (Yanzhan 4110, Pumai 9, Yunong 201, and Yunong 949) were resistant to H. filipjevi. Using Pf /Piratio as the evaluation index, four cultivars (Taikong 6, Xinmai 11, Zhongyu 6, and Xinmai 18) were resistant to H. avenae, and four cultivars (Taikong 6, Zhongyu 6, Pumai 9, and Puyou 938) were resistant to H. filipjevi. The resistance evaluation based on RRI method was partially identical to that based on white female number per plant method, and RRI method has the advantage to reduce the great evaluation error among susceptible cultivars. This method can be considered in CCN resistance evaluation in wheat.
      Cloning for Cellulose Synthetase Gene CcCesA1 from Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.), Antisense Vector Construction, and Transformation of Arabidopsis
      ZHANG Gao-Yang,QI Jian-Min*,XU Jian-Tang,NIU Xiao-Ping,ZHANG Li-Wu,ZHANG Yu-Jia,TAO Ai-Fen,FANG Ping-Ping,LIN Li-Hui
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  816-822.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00816
      Abstract ( 850 )   RICH HTML    PDF (3393KB) ( 1624 )   Save
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      We took stem bark of jute cultivar 179 (Corchorus capsularis L.) as materials, successfully cloned the full-length cDNA of jute cellulose synthetase gene except 500 bp of 5' terminal,using homologous cloning and modified RACE techniques. The sequence length is 2529 bp, encoding a 627 amino acids protein. Gene alignment and protein structure analysis showed that it belongs to jute cellulose Synthetase gene family. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that the expression level of CcCesA1 gene in different parts of plant was bark > root > leaf > bud > sticks. Using partial cDNA and 3' UTR region of CcCesA1 gene, constructed the antisense vector of the jute CcCesA1 gene, the positive plasmids were transformed into the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Southern blot analysis showed that the exogenous genes were transformed into Arabidopsis genome as one copy. The growth of tansgenic Arabidopsis was badly inhibited so that plants became dwarf with easing bending stem, shorter silique, and less silique numbers. This finding shows that CcCesA1 gene is involved in not only cellulose synthesis, but also other plant growth process.
      Construction of Rice Variety Based on ID Used SSR Fingerprint and Commodity Information
      LU Xu-Zhong,NI Jin-Long,LI Li,WANG Xiu-Feng,MA Hui,ZHANG Xiao-Juan,YANG Jian-Bo
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  823-829.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00823
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      For increasing convenience of the rice seed quality tracking and management, we selected a set of 12 rice SSR markers (one marker for each chromosome) based on previous research. The fluorescent marker analysis was performed on 127 released and popularized authorized (or main plant) rice varieties in Anhui Province. Then, the rice variety ID was constructed by the SSR fingerprint with corresponded commodity information. The rice variety ID included three components: part 1 was recognized as commodity code, which reflected crop species, cultivar, breeding (or approval) region and year; part 2 was recognized as fingerprint code, which contained the variety DNA fingerprint information; part 3 was recognized as complement code (specific gene identification code), reflecting specific genetic information of cultivars. We also described the rice variety ID in the form of bar code or QR code, which might be favorable for rice seed identification and traceability management.

      Genetic Contribution of Wheat Variey Ningmai 9 to Its  Derivates
      JIANG Peng,CHEN Xiao-Lin,ZHANG Ping-Ping,ZHANG Peng,YAO Jin-Bao,MA Hong-Xiang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  830-837.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00830
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      Ningmai 9 is a soft wheat cultivar with high yield, wide adaption, and resistance to multiple diseases including Fusarium head blight, yellow mosaic virus, powdery mildew, and sharp eye spots, which serves as a backbone parent in the southern Huaihe River valley. This study aimed to disclose the genetic contribution of Ningmai 9 to its derivates using SSR markers. A total of 471 alleles were detected on 170 SSR loci, with 1–6 alleles per locus and an average of 2.8. The UPGMA cluster analysis showed that Yangmai 18 and Ningmai 9 were clustered together firstly with the smallest genetic disrtance, and Yangfumai 4 and Ningmai 9 were clustered together with the largest genetic distance. Genetic similarity coefficient showed that more than a half of loci transferred from Ningmai 9 to its derived varieties. The percentage of alleles shared between Ningmai 9 and its derived varieties differed greatly among 21 chromosomes, but the average percentage was similar among A, B, and D genomes. Ten markers had the same amplification banding pattern in Ningmai 9 and nine derived varieties, and nine of them were linked to the QTLs or genes associated with important agronomic traits as previous reports. In comparison of genetic background between Ningmai 9 and Ningmai 13 (a direct selection line from Ningmai 9), the genetic similarity coefficient was 0.732, suggesting that the genetic back ground of Ningmai 13 is similar to that of Ningmai 9. Genotyping data showed that the markers associated with protein content and resistance to Fusarium head blight in Ningmai 13 were in correspondence with those in Ningmai 9. These results may partially explain the reason for elite agronomic traits of Ningmai 13 similar to Ningmai9m, such as resistance to Fusarium head blight and soft wheat quality.

      Combining Ability Analysis of Traits Related to Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Eighteen Maize Inbred Lines
      CUI Chao,GAO Ju-Lin*,YU Xiao-Fang*,SU Zhi-Jun,WANG Zhi-Gang,SUN Ji-Ying,HU Shu-Ping,WANG Hai-Yan,GAO Ying-Bo,GAO Xin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  838-849.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00838
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      Traits related to maize yield and nitrogen efficiency were analyzed in 108 hybrids (18 female inbred lines and six male standard testers). Nitrogen efficiency related traits in maize inbred lines were statistically analyzed in NC-II design experiments, and yield and nitrogen efficiency characters of the hybridized combination were evaluated in combining ability analysis. The results showed that relative chlorophyll content, which was significantly correlated to nitrogen use efficiency at silking stage in two treatments, could be used to evaluate maize inbred lines. Nitrogen use efficiency played the main role in control treatment; however absorption efficiency was more important when nitrogen was applied. Combining ability analysis indicated that at least one inbred with higher general combining ability (GCA) were necessary to make a combination with high specific combining ability (SCA)   in nitrogen efficiency breeding. Total combining ability (TCA) of the parents determined the yield and nitrogen efficiency in F1, certifying TCA could be used as theoretical basis in nitrogen efficiency breeding. Inbred lines, BL12 in N225 treatment and BL48 in N450 treatment, presented higher GCA, performing as potential good breeding materials; BL12×178 in N225 treatment and BL48×Ye 478 in N450 treatment were outstanding nitrogen efficiency combinations.
      Morphology and Physiology of Roots and Their Relationships with Yield Formation in Super Rice
      CHU Guang,LIU Jie,ZHANG Hao,YANG Jian-Chang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  850-858.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00850
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      Two super rice cultivars, Liangyoupeijiu (indica-inclined two-line hybrid) and Yangjing 4038 (japonica), and two high-yielding rice cultivars, Yangdao 6 (indica) and Yangfujing 8 (japonica), were grown in nutrient solution in 2011 and 2012. Changes in morphological and physiological traits of roots at different growth stages and their relationships with growth and development were investigated. The results showed that both super rice varieties had greater yield potential and higher grain yield than the two elite check varieties,which was mainly due to the larger sink from the larger panicle in the super rice varieties. Root and shoot dry weight was significantly greater in super rice varieties than in check ones throughout the growth season. Root oxidation activity (ROA), total root absorbing surface area, active absorbing surface area and root zeatin (Z) plus zeatin riboside (ZR) content, on a single plant basis, were significantly greater in super rice than in check varieties at the early stage. The low percentage of filled grains was closely associated with a quickly decreased root activity during grain filling. These results suggest that the yield of super rice varieties could be further increased by increasing seed setting rate through enhancing root activity during the grain filling period.

      Effects of Water Management and Slow/Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizers on Biomass, Nitrogen Accumulation, Translocation, and Distribution in Rice
      PENG Yu,SUN Yong-Jian,JIANG Ming-Jin,XU Hui,QIN Jian,YANG Zhi-Yuan,MA Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  859-870.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00859
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      Slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers, providing a gradual nutrient supply for a long time period, improve nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency and reduce nitrogen leaching losses. However, the effectiveness of slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers will be strongly affected by the environmental conditions, especially by water conditions, in the planting region. Alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation has been widely adopted to replace continuous flooding irrigation for saving water and increasing water use efficiency (WUE) in irrigated rice(Oryza sativa L.) systems. However, little attention has been paid to the performance of slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers and its mechanism of realizing high yield under different water managements. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers on biomass and nitrogen accumulation, translocation and distribution in rice, together with the mechanism, with a split-split design in 2012 and 2013. The main plot treatment was different water managements, including controlled irrigation (W1), alternate wetting and drying irrigation (W2) and flooding irrigation (W3), and the subplot treatment contained urea single basal application (F1), urea applying with ratio of base : tillering : earring = 5:3:2 (F2), sulfur coated N fertilizer single basal application (F3) and resin coated N fertilizer single basal application (F4). Results showed that there was a significant interactive effect between water management and slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers application on biomass, nitrogen accumulation, translocation and distribution and rice yield in the main growth period. Moreover, there existed significantly positive correlations between yield component factors and nitrogen increasing in panicle, nitrogen translocation and distribution at heading stage. In addition, AWD and slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers had a significant interactive effect, enhancing biomass, nitrogen accumulation and yield in rice. Nitrogen use efficiency, partial factor productivity of applied nitrogen, nitrogen agronomic efficiency and yield increased by 42%–53%, 6%–23%, 26%–71%, and 8%–19% respectively in F3, as compared with F1 and F2 treatments. Different types of nitrogen fertilizer and water condition affected rice yield mainly through affecting available spike number and grain number per spike. The application of slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers enhanced nitrogen use efficiency and maintained heavy and adequate panicles under controlled irrigation condition. Under alternate wetting and drying irrigation, the beneficial effect of using slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers was attributed to better nitrogen accumulation capacity and more coordinated nitrogen distribution in rice plant, which results from slowing the release of nitrogen into the soil relative to regular fertilizer and water conditions, and improving synchronization with crop N requirements during crop growth. Under flooding irrigation condition, slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers reduced ineffective tillering and nitrogen losses of leaching and penetrating, resulting in high earbearing tiller percentage. In conclusion, applying slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizers under alternate wetting and drying irrigation condition can enhance nitrogen use efficiency and realize high yield.

      Latitudinal Difference of Rice Varieties Productivity in the Lower Yangtze and Huai Valleys and Its Rational Utilization
      XU Ke,YANG Hai-Sheng,ZHANG Hong-Cheng,GONG Jin-Long,SHEN Xin-Ping,TAO Xiao-Jun,DAI Qi-Gen,HUO Zhong-Yang,WEI Hai-Yan,GAO Hui
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  871-890.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00871
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      Rice grain yield is affected significantly by the latitudinal environment factors. However, little is known about the latitudinal difference of prolificacy and stability of grain productivity in rice varieties with different growth durations in the downstream of Yangtze River and Huai River Valleys. In this study, under the condition of rice-wheat cropping rotation, a field experiment with five seeding dates using 11 rice varieties with different growth durations in Jiangsu Province was conducted to investigate the latitudinal difference of prolificacy and stability of grain productivity and the rational distribution of the varieties in Peixian (34.7° N), Donghai (34.5° N), Suyu (34.0° N), Jianhu (33.4° N), Yangzhou (32.4° N), and Kunshan (31.3° N) of Jiangsu Province in 1997–2000.Results showed that there was a highly significant difference in grain yield of rice varieties with different growth durations and different seeding dates in different latitudinal sites. The equation Y = at2+bt+c was used to describe the relationship between grain yield and seeding date for all varieties, according to the change of values a and b there were three types of parabola which might be transformed between each other due to the change of sites or years. Compared with other rice varieties the prolificacy and stability of grain productivity of late-maturity medium japonica rice varieties were better, thereby their suitable planting zones were wider. But with the mature date prolonging unceasingly, the prolificacy index (Pi) decreased and the stability index (Si) increased in late-maturity japonica rice varieties, so the yield prolificacy and stability became poor. The prolificacy of Liangyoupeijiu (hybrid mid-maturity indica rice variety) was only less than that of late-maturity medium japonica rice varieties but better than that of other rice varieties, while its yield stability was just better than that of early-maturity medium japonica rice varieties. Compared with the early-maturity rice varieties, the late-maturity rice varieties had significantly better prolificacy and stability than other varieties. Based on the prolificacy and stability of different growth duration types and the conditions of annual temperature and light in Jiangsu, rationally regionalized planting area into suitable region, sub-suitable region, possible region and unsuitable region to confirm the distribution of rice varieties. Medium-maturity medium japonica rice varieties, late-maturity medium japonica rice varieties and early-maturity late japonica rice varieties were the main varieties suitable to plant in Subei, Suzhong and Sunan regions, also some varieties with closer growth duration could be planted as a supplement. However, hybrid mid-maturity indica rice varieties were only suitable to plant in western hilly land of Jiangsu Province. In northern Huai River zone appropriately earlier sowing was available and in Suzhong and Sunan regions the seeding date had to be suitable, earlier or later sowing was not available to increase grain yield. On the premise of safely maturity accomplished, it is beneficial for increasing rice productivity to select partial late maturing varieties and plant more japonica rice varieties in the indica-japonica region.

      Ecological Regionalization of Cotton Fiber Quality Based on GGE Biplot in Yangtze River Valley
      XU Nai-Yin,LI Jian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  891-898.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00891
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      Ecological regionalization based on cotton fiber quality can improve raw cotton quality and the machining efficiency. The “environment vs. trait biplot” of GGE biplot software was used to explore the interaction pattern between test environments and cotton fiber quality characters based on datasets collected from the national cotton regional trials in Yangtze River Valley from 2000 to 2012. The results showed that the cotton planting area could be divided into three special fiber quality ecological regions, namely, the “moderate fiber quality ecological region”, the “high fiber length and strength ecological region” and the “low micronaire ecological region”. The moderate fiber quality ecological region was characterized by moderate fiber quality with the best representativeness of the whole region, which covers the major area of cotton planting region in YaRV, including the Jianghan plain and the southeast downland in Hubei Province, Nan-xiang basin across Henan and Hubei Provinces, the west and east regions around Dongting Lake in Hunan Province, the area around Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province, Jiang-huai plain and along the Yangtze River region in Anhui Province, Ningzhen hilly region and along the Yangtze River region in Jiangsu Province, and also the coastal region in Zhejiang Province. The high fiber length and strength ecological region was characterized by high fiber length, fiber strength, and also micronaire value including the north fertile region around the Dongting Lake. The low micronaire ecological region was characterized by the best micronaire value and average fiber strength performance containing of the most west hilly cotton planting area at relatively high altitude and with earlier mature season in Sichuan Province, and the most east coastal cotton field with higher salt content soil grown weaker cotton plants in Jiangsu Province. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of “environment vs. trait biplot” in the ecological regionalization of cotton fiber quality, provided references for the regionalized cotton production and raw cotton selection strategy for textile industry, and set a good example for the implementation of similar ecological regionalization for cotton in other planting regions and for other crops elsewhere as well.
      Effects of Soil Acidification on the Yield of Double Season Rice
      ZENG Yong-Jun,ZHOU Qing-Hong,Lü Wei-Sheng,TAN Xue-Ming,PAN Xiao-Hua,SHI Qing-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  899-907.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00899
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      Soil pH is one of the important factors affecting rice growth and development, but little is known about the impact of soil acidification on the yield of  double season rice. In the pot experiment, sulfuric acid was added to the soil and low pH water was used for irrigation after transplanting. The results showed that with the decrease of soil pH the plant growth duration extended, the dry mass accumulation and the grain yield decreased in double season rice. When the pH of irrigated water lowered than 4.5 and soil pH lowered than 5.0, the yield of double season rice decreased significantly, by 7.82% for early season rice and by 8.06% for late season rice. When the pH of irrigated water lowered than 3.5 and the soil pH lowered than 4.5, the yieldof double season rice decreased even more sharply. Under the condition of soilacidification, the early tillering for double season rice was suppressed, leading to decrease of number of spikelets per panicle, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight.

      Effects of Waterlogging on Sucrose Metabolism of the Subtending Leaf of Cotton Boll and Boll Weight during Flowering and Boll-forming Stage
      YANG Chang-Qin,LIU Rui-Xian,ZHANG Guo-Wei,XU Li-Hua,ZHOU Zhi-Guo
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  908-914.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00908
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      Two year experiments were conducted at experimental station of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Nanjing City with waterlogging treatments for seven days and fourteen days in pools with rainproof shelter at anthesis of the 6th or 8th fruiting branches of cotton NuCOTN 33B, taking well water conditions as control. The results showed that contents of soluble sugar, sucrose and starch of subtending leaves of bolls increased and the ratio of sucrose content to starch content decreased under waterlogging as compared with control and the increase ranges rised with lasting waterlogging duration, indicating that the sucrose exportation of subtending leaves was inhibited and became worse with lasting waterlogging duration. The activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SS), and acid invertase (AI) increased and got higher with the rise in fruit branch position and waterlogging duration. The contents of soluble sugar, sucrose and starch were positively and significantly correlated with activities of SPS, SS, and AI (P<0.05), indicating that the increased activities of SPS, SS, and AI do not facilitate sucrose transiting out. As a result, the boll weight declined under waterlogging with the rise in fruit branch position and waterlogging duration. Therefore, the increased enzyme activity in sucrose metabolism and the impaired sucrose efflux are the main causes of boll weight decrease under waterlogging.

      Changes of Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Maize Hybrids Released in Different Eras in Shaanxi Province
      ZHANG Ren-He,DU Wei-Li,GUO Dong-Wei,ZHANG Ai-Ying,HU Fu-Liang,LI Feng-Yan,XUE Ji-Quan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  915-923.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00915
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      Identifying the changes of grain yield and nitrogen use traits will facilitate the development of new maize hybrids with high yield and nitrogen use efficiency. In this study, 12 typical maize hybrids released from 1981 to 2010 in Shaanxi Province were grown in the field under three N rates (0, 120, and 240 kg hm-2 ) from 2011 to 2012 in Shaanxi, Northwest China. Nitrogen use efficiency and agronomic traits of maize were investigated. The result indicates that grain yield of maize hybrids increased with the increase of nitrogen rates, and the modern maize hybrids (2000s) showed better grain yield than the old ones (1980s) at three nitrogen levels. The yield genetic gains were 46, 65, and 83 kg ha per year at N0, N120, and N240 levels repeat. The modern hybrids showed better biomass and grain yield than the old ones, but there was no clear changing trend in stover yield between hybrids of different ears. Increments of grain yield were achieved mainly through increasing the kernel number per ear, 1000-kernel weight and biomass, and the coefficient of light extinction decreased with the time process of cultivar development from 1981 to 2010. Changes of plant structure would allow the modern maize hybrids to improve light capture resulting in better grain yield than that of the old ones. For nitrogen use point of view, irrespective of nitrogen treatments, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of hybrids released increased in responses of time. But nitrogen use efficiency decreased with increasing nitrogen application rates, and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was highly correlated with N uptake efficiency (NUpE, r = 0.75), and not with N physiological efficiency (NUtE, r = 0.42). Increased NUE positively correlated with improved N uptake efficiency (NUpE), due to the greater post-anthesis N accumulation. The results indicated that improvements of 1000-kernel weight, kernel number per ear and nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) should be considered during breeding for high yield and high nitrogen use efficiency of maize under low nitrogen and water limited conditions.

      Development of Genomic SSR Markers in Common Bean and Their Transferability in Cowpea and Adzuki Bean
      CHEN Ming-Li,WANG Lan-Fen,WU Jing,ZHANG Xiao-Yan,YANG Guang-Dong,WANG Shu-Min
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  924-933.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00924
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      Transferability analysis of molecular markers has significantly improved their development efficiency and reduced their development cost. A total of 560 novel SSR markers were successfully developed based on common bean genomic sequences, and 421 (75.2%) of those markers generated effective amplification bands from two accessions of the cultivated common bean. Two Vigna species, cowpea and adzuki bean were used to test the transferability and polymorphism of new genomic markers. The results indicated that the transferability rate of common bean genomic-SSR in cowpea and adzuki bean was 43.9% and 38.2%, and the ratio of polymorphism SSR markers in the crops was 34.0% and 24.8%, respectively. A total of 138 common bean genomic-SSR primers were detected to be highly transferable between two species of Vigna. In addition, the diversity of transferability gene-SSR markers was higher for cowpea and adzuki bean than that of intergenic regions-SSR. These transferable markers are useful for further genetic diversity analysis, genetic linkage map construction, quantitative trait loci annotation, genetic evolution and marker-assisted selection in Vigna species because of their multi-allelic nature, reproducibility, co-dominant inheritance, high abundance in genome.

      Cloning and Expression Analysis of Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphate Aldolase Gene AhFBA1 in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
      HEN Na,PAN Li-Juan,CHI Xiao-Yuan,CHEN Ming-Na,WANG Tong,WANG Mian,YANG Zhen,HU Dong-Qing,WANG Dao-Yuan,YU Shan-Lin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  934-941.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00934
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      In this article, a fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA) gene was cloned from the leaf of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cultivar Huayu33) using RT-PCR, and was designated as AhFBA1. The whole sequence of AhFBA1 is 1489 bp and its open reading frame is 1200 bp, encoding a polypeptide of 400 amino acids. Its protein was predicted to be located in chloroplast, containing the conserved glycolytic domain. Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis of FBA proteins indicated AhFBA1 was most similar with FBA from Glycine max, Medicago truncatula, Cicer arietinum,and Phaseolus vulgaris. The results of Real time RT-PCR showed that the expression of AhFBA1 was induced distinctly in both peanut root and leaf under salt and drought conditions, suggesting that AhFBA1 may participate in the salt and drought stress regulation of peanut. The expression of AhFBA1 was also induced by exogenous ABA in both peanut leaf and root, which indicated that AhFBA1 may regulate peanut abiotic stresses resistance through ABA-dependent pathway.

      Effects of Postponed Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Flag Leaf in Wheat under Post-Anthesis Heat Stress
      JIANG Wen-Wen,YIN Yan-Ping*,WANG Zhen-Lin*,LI Yong,YANG Wei-Bing,PENG Dian-Liang,YANG Dong-Qing,CUI Zheng-Yong,LU Kun-Li,LI Yan-Xia
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(05):  942-949.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00942
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      This study aimed to disclose the effect and physiological basis of postponed application of nitrogen fertilizer on alleviating the high-temperature damage after anthesis. In a two-year experiment from October 2011 to June 2013, winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Shannong 16 and Jimai 22 were planted with three nitrogen treatments, namely T0 (total as basal fertilizer), T1 (a half of basal fertilizer and a half of nitrogen applied at jointing stage), and T2 (a half of basal fertilizer and a half applied at booting stage). High-temperature stress was simulated in plastic shed from 11 to 15 days after anthesis. Grain yield and its components, photosynthetic parameters of flag leaf, and activities of some important enzymes were compared among nitrogen treatments. The results indicated that T2 had higher 1000-grain weight and grain yield than T0 and T1 under heat stress. Besides, T2 had the effects on increasing glutamine synthetase (GS) activity, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate, and activities of hydrogen peroxidase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) in flag leaf, stimulating translocation of pre-anthesis assimilate to grains, and increasing the contribution to grain of post-anthesis assimilate. Both cultivars had similar results. In an overall view, T2 is superior to T0 and T1 due to its significant effects on alleviating heat stress damage and increasing grain yield.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
