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    12 June 2017, Volume 43 Issue 06
      Designing, Construction and Functional Characterization of Tissue-specific Synthetic Promoter in Rice
      WANG Rui,ZHU Meng-Lin,GAO Fang-Yuan,REN Juan-Sheng,LU Xian-Jun,REN Guang-Jun,LIN Yong-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  789-794.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00789
      Abstract ( 731 )   RICH HTML    PDF (839KB) ( 758 )   Save
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      As an important part of synthetic biology, synthetic promoter has gradually become a hotspot in current biology. Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world and a model plant for functional genomic research in cereals. The purpose of the present study was to design and construct tissue-specific synthetic promoters in rice. We selected several tissue-specific cis-elements based on previous reports and assembled them in different patterns. The combinations were respectively fused to Mini 35S promoter. GUS assays of the transgenic plants indicated that our work successfully created tissue-specific synthetic promoter with the above approach and also revealed that the assembly patterns of cis-elements are critical for the expression patterns and expression efficiencies of synthetic promoters. Our study provides useful information and a practical basis for the design ideas and construction approaches of synthetic promoters in plants.

      Identification and Evaluation of Blast Resistance for Resequenced Rice Core Collections
      LI Xu-Sheng1,**,XIANG Xiao-Jiao2,**,SHEN Cong-Cong2,YANG Long-Wei1,*,CHEN Kai3,WANG Xiao-Wen1,QIU Xian-Jin1,ZHU Xiao-Yuan4,XING Dan-Ying1,XU Jian-Long2,3,*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  795-810.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00795
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      Rice blast is one of the key factors that restrict rice yield, and screening blast resistance resources is a basis work for mining blast resistance genes and breeding resistant varieties. A set of 1217 accessions selected from 3000 (3K) re-sequenced rice core collection were comprehensively evaluated for blast resistance in two natural disease nurseries at Lianghe and Bajiao in Enshi area and agronomic traits in disease-free field as well as resistance spectrum of resistant accessions at seedling stage. There were significant differences in response of different accessions to rice blast. Among them, a total of 144 accessions with blast resistance at different growing stages were obtained. Thirty-four accessions with relatively high comprehensive blast resistance were inoculated with 30 diverse isolates, showing that 17 accessions with a broad resistance spectrum (≥70%). According to the investigation of agronomic traits, most resistant accessions had high plant height, low grain yield per plant and poor agronomic traits. Finally, seven accessions with high blast resistance, broad resistant spectrum and relatively good agronomic traits were selected, including IRGA 411-1-6-1F-A, YJ 30, Jinzao 47, Quanzhen 10, YN 1353-3, Yunjing 23, and IRAT 1047, were identified. Those resistant accessions can be used in mining resistance gene and variety improvement for blast resistance.

      Expression Changes of Genes Related to Brassinosteroid Biosynthesis and Signal Transduction during Potato Storage and Its Effect on Tuber Sprouting
      ZOU Xue1,2,DENG Meng-Sheng2,LI Li-Qin2,YU Jin-Long1,DING Fan1,HUANG Xue-Li2,PENG Jie2,SHUAI Yu2,CAI Cheng-Cheng2,WANG Xi-Yao2,*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  811-820.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00811
      Abstract ( 697 )   RICH HTML    PDF (3540KB) ( 978 )   Save
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      To explore the role of brassinosteroid (BR) in tuber sprouting and establish effective sprouting regulation system for seed potato, three varieties and sprouting-inhibitor treatments were used to analyze expression characteristics of nine genes related to BR synthesis, signal transduction and regulation during storage. Effects of BR analogue 24-epibrassinolide (24-eBL) and gibberellin (GA3) on tuber sprouting were also studied. The transcript levels of four genes involved in BR synthesis increased with prolonging storage time, and the time points at which the expression levels began to increase in variety with short dormancy period were earlier than those in varieties with middle or long dormancy period. The expression patterns of BRI1 and CYCD3 were similar to those of synthetic genes while BSK and TCH4 remained constant in varieties with middle or long dormancy period. Sprouting-inhibitors stimulated transcripts of those genes to elevate in the earlier stage of storage, then rapidly decline and stay low levels. There was no significant expression change of transcription factor BZR1 in varieties and sprouting-inhibitor treatments during storage. BR analogue 24-eBL was favorable to tuber dormancy release but shoot growth. The tuber weight per plant treated with 24-eBL and GA3 mixture increased by 37.92% to 98.41% compared with CK. The conclusion, BR synthesis and its signal transduction are essential physiological processes from dormancy to sprouting in potato tuber. Mixture of 24-eBL and GA3 can facilitate uniformity of seed potato sprouting, stronger growth and better tuberization.

      Development and Verification of SCAR Marker Linked to Maturity in Tetraploid Potato
      LI Xing-Cui,LI Guang-Cun,XU Jian-Fei,DUAN Shao-Guang,BIAN Chun-Song,PANG Wan-Fu,LIU Jie,JIN Li-Ping*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  821-828.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00821
      Abstract ( 522 )   RICH HTML    PDF (1120KB) ( 653 )   Save
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      Maturity is one of the most important quantitative traits in potato. In this study, a maturity linked molecular marker SCAR5-8 was developed using Zhongshu 3, Zhongshu 19 and their F1 segregation population consisting of 221 individuals via reduced-representation sequencing and bulked segregant analysis. A further testing of marker SCAR5-8 was performed using 53 early maturity individuals, 63 late maturity individuals and 70 tetraploid varieties, showing the selection accuracy 87.1% and 81.4% between marker test and phenotyping in segregation population and tetraploid varieties, respectively. Moreover, Pearson’s correlation analysis also showed that the marker SCAR5-8 was significantly correlated to maturity trait in potato. The developed SCAR5-8 marker could be used in marker-assisted selection.

      Isolation and Characterization of LMW-GS Glu-A3 in Common Wheat Related Species
      DONG Xue,LIU Meng,ZHAO Xian-Lin,FENG Yu-Mei,YANG Yan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  829-838.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00829
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      The low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) account for about one-third of wheat seed storage proteins and have great effects on dough extensibility and food processing quality. Common wheat related species are important genetic resources for wheat improvement. In this study, the specific primers of Glu-A3 genes were used to identify the allelic variations of GluA3-1, GluA-2 and GluA3-3 from nine accessions of Triticum dicoccoides, T. dicoccum, T. durum, and T. boeoricum. A total of 15 new haplotypes were identified, including five in GluA3-1, five in GluA3-2, and five in GluA3-3. Among them, two haplotypes each contained nine cysteines that might be good for improvement of wheat quality. The results about Glu-A3 genes in wheat further made clear composition of LMW-GS and provided a basis for selection of parents in wheat quality breeding.

      Functional Analysis of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate Oxidase Gene’s Promoter in Mulberry
      YU Jian,LIU Chang-Ying,ZHAO Ai-Chun,WANG Chuan-Hong,CAI Yu-Xiang,YU Mao-De*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  839-848.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00839
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      1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACO) as a key enzyme catalyzes the reaction from 1-Aminocyclopropane- 1-carboxylate (ACC) to ethylene. In order to explore the function of MnACO in mulberry growth and development and resisting external stresses, we constructed pMnACO::GUS fusion and transformed it into Arabidopsis thaliana, and used GUS histochemical staining to identify GUS activities of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana treated by different stresses in different growth stages . MnACO1 and MnACO2 promoter fragments obtained by PCR were 1518 bp and 1429 bp, respectively. There were lots of cis-acting elements such as TATA-box, CAAT-box and others responded to external stimuli. MnACO promoter could drive GUS to express in Arabidopsis thaliana; MnACO1 promoter expressed in the root, leaf, flower petal, anther, filament, stigma and silique of Arabidopsis thaliana and their activities were higher than those of MnACO2; but there was no expression of MnACO2 promoter in silique. The pMnACO1::GUS and pMnACO2::GUS transgenetic plants had different activities in different treatments. The GUS activities of the pMnACO1::GUS transgenetic plants were weakened, while those of the pMnACO2::GUS transgenetic plants were strengthened with the elongation of stress treatment time. Detection of MaACO expression in stress treatment of 2-week-old seedlings by qRT-PCRindicated that the trends of expression pattern of MaACO and its GUS activity changes were almost the same. This research indicated that MnACO is inducible promoter, MnACO1 has the characteristic of constitutive promoter, and MnACO2 has the characteristic of tissue-specific promoter. MnACO1 had more ability to respond to stresses in the transgenic plant, indicating it can be used to regulate the target gene of improving mulberry stress resistance. MaACO2 might be relevant to fruit maturation, thus its promoter could be used as fruit-specific promoter to improve the quality of mulberry fruit.

      Identification of Promoter GhFLA1 Preferentially Expressed during Cotton fiber Elongation
      HU Hai-Yan,LIU Di-Qiu,LI Yun-Jing,LI Yang,TU Li-Li*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  849-854.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00849
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      Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fiber is a perfect model cell for studying cell initiation and growth, so it is critical to find new promoters specifically or preferentially expressed in fiber for functional genomics of fiber and improvement of cotton fiber yield and quality. We found a gene GhFLA1 with very high expression level in fiber elongation stage and cloned its promoter (pGhFLA1). pGhFLA1::GUS was transferred into cotton YZ1 (Gossypium hirsutum) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) to identify its expression pattern in different plant tissues. GUS activity in transgenic plant was obviously detected in fiber from 0 DPA (days post anthesis) to 20 DPA, also in stamens, pistils, sepal, radicle, cotyledon and root, but not in petal, leaf and bract. Quantitative analysis of GUS activity showed that GUS expression level driven by pGhFLA1 was highest in 20 DPA fiber and 22-fold higher than that in CaMV 35S. In transgenic tobacco, GUS activity was detected in leaf and trichome and reproductive organs like ovary, stigma, anther, bract, petal and seed. In general, the promoter pGhFLA1 fusion with GUS highly expresses in cotton fiber and tobacco trichome, which could be used in fiber functional genomics research and improvement of cotton fiber quality.

      Breeding New Peanut Line with High Oleic Acid Content Using Backcross Method
      YU Ming-Yang,SUN Ming-Ming,GUO Yue,JIANG Ping-Ping,LEI Yong,HUANG Bing-Yan,FENG Su-Ping,GUO Bao-Zhu,SUI Jiong-Ming,WANG Jing-Shan,QIAO Li-Xian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  855-861.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00855
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      F1 hybrids and BC1F1–BC4F1 backcross generation were obtained by cross and backcross with peanut variety HY22 as female parent (recurrent parent) and Kainong176 with high oleic acid content as the donor parent. The contents of oleic acid and linoleic acid of F1 and BC1F1 to BC4F1 were determined by Near infrared spectrometer. The seeds with oleic acid content higher than 60% were selected and their partial cotyledon was cut off for DNA extraction. The loci FAD2a and FAD2b in these seeds were detected by sequencing absorption peaks of PCR products with F0.7/R3 as primers, and those seeds with both FAD2a and FAD2b were used as the male parent in following backcross. The incision in these seeds whose cotyledon was cut off was sealed by paraffin oil, and these seeds were soaked in water for sprouting at 40°C. Those seeds that did not germinate within 12 hours were soaked in 100 mg L–1 ethephon solution for four hours, then immersed into water till 24 hours at 40°C by which 98% seeds could germinate. Four to five times of backcross every two years were finished in spring in Qingdao, 1–2 times in autumn and winter in Sanya, by which the breeding process might be accelerated. The backcrossing work began in the spring of 2013 and BC4F2 seeds were sowed in Qingdao in the spring of 2016. The young leaves were used for genotyping and these plants with aabb genotype and similar agronomic characters with Huayu 22 were selected and harvested, whose oleic content was then confirmed by NIR. Twenty single plants with similar characters of Huayu 22 whose oleic content was higher than 70% and oleic/linoleic ratio was higher than 7.0 were regarded as a new improved HY22 strain with high oleic acid content.

      Analysis of Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) Sequences and Phylogenetics of Main Bast Fiber Crops
      ZHANG Li-Lan,WANG Jun,WAN Xue-Bei,XU Yi,ZHANG Lie-Mei,FANG Ping-Ping,QI Jian-Min,ZHANG Li-Wu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  862-874.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00862
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      Sequences comparison of ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) could provide evidence for the systematic classification and evolutionary relationships of main bast fiber crops and other species. In this study, the ITS sequences of 32 main bast fiber crops and 11 other species with reference genome sequences were obtained from cloning or GenBank database. The whole gene length, G+C content, and the difference of homologous percentage were analysed using MEGE software. The ITS average lengths of sequences from jute (Corchorus), kenaf (Hibiscus), ramie (Boehmeria nivea) and flax (Linum usitatissimum) were 963, 939, 658, and 686 bp, respectively. And the corresponding G+C contents were 57.87%, 58.03%, 59.05%, and 53.75%, respectively. The variation of jute (Corchorus) concentrated on a region of 220 to 386 bp, kenaf (Hibiscus) on two regions of 206 to 347 bp and 599 to 713 bp, ramie (Boehmeria nivea) on four regions of 158 to 163 bp, 193 to 199 bp, 288 to 333 bp, and 681to 688 bp, and flax (Linum usitatissimum) on five regions of 219 to 229 bp, 235 to 240 bp, 427 to 432 bp, 468 to 484 bp, and 588 to 594 bp. Phylogenetic analysis showed that jute and kenaf shared a relatively close genetic relationship while the others had a far genetic relationship, which is consistent with the relationship of traditional species classification in systematic botany. In study of comparative genomics, the genome sequecne of cotton might be regarded as a reference for kenaf or jute, and the genome sequence of Populus trichocarpa or Ricinus communis might be regarded as a reference for ramie. We deduced that the evolutionary time of kenaf, jute, ramie and flax could be roughly estimated as 33.7, 65.3, 67.5, and 90.5 million years ago, respectively, showing the longer evolution time the more variation regions of ITS in different species of bast fiber crops in the same genus.

      Effects of Different Cultivation Modes on Canola Yield and Lodging Related Indices
      KUAI Jie,ZUO Qing-Song,CHEN Ai-Wu,CHENG Yu-Gui,MEI Shao-Hua,WU Jiang-Sheng,ZHOU Guang-Sheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  875-884.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00875
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      To establish a reasonable cultivation and management mode matching canola production, three cultivation modes including farmers practice cultivation (FP), super high cultivation (SH) and high yield and high efficiency cultivation (HH) were adopted with middle-mature winter canola Huashuang 5 in single cropping rice region (Zhijiang) and early-mature winter canola Huazao 291 in double-rice cropping region (Wuxue) of Hubei province at high and low soil fertility levels. Biomass accumulation, radiation use efficiency (RUE), yield and lodging related indices were investigated and analyzed. The light inception rate (LIR) and RUE under SH and HH were higher than those under FP during whole growth period. The deceleration rate of LIR at the end of growth stage was least under HH as the rate of bolting nitrogen increased, which was benefit for biomass accumulation. The harvest index and yield of SH and HH were significantly higher than those of FP. Although HH had higher yield than SH, the difference was not significant. The lodging index of HH was lower than that of SH which indicated that HH had higher lodging resistance. All these revealed that HH could achieve high yield and high lodging resistance with lower nitrogen cost compared with SH. It is concluded that the HH cultivation model can promote the mechanical harvesting efficiency by increasing lodging resistance and reducing nitrogen cost due to higher plant density. Therefore, HH should be encouraged to extend in the Yangtze River Valley in the future for increasing mechanical canola productivity.

      Effect of Zn and Si Fertilizers Applied at Different Stages on Yield and Quality of Japonica Rice with Good Eating Quality
      WANG Li,SUN Ying,ZHANG Hong-Cheng*,WEI Hai-Yan,ZHU Da-Wei,ZHU Ying,XU Dong,HUO Zhong-Yang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  885-898.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00885
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      Two representative japonica rice cultivars with good eating quality, Nanjing 2704 and Nanjing 9108, were adopted with treatments of applying Zn, Si and Zn plus Si fertilizers at transplanting stage, productive tillering stage, and the tages of growing the fourth and the second leaves from top respectively. Compared with treatments of no Zn and Si fertilizers, Zn and Si fertilizers applyed at different stages could increase the yield of japonica rice with good eating quality. Among them, the yield of treatment using Zn fertilizer at the tage of growing the fourth leaf from top was the highest. The yield increased by 4.70% in 2015 and 7.82% in 2016 for Nanjing 2704, and by 5.50% in 2015 and 5.39% in 2016 for Nanjing 9108. In different treatments, the average yield of rice showed a trend of, Zn fertilizer > Si fertilizer > Zn plus Si fertilizers. The highest yield was obtained when the Zn or Zn plus Si fertilizers were applied at the stage of growing the fourth leaf from top, on when the Si fertilizer was applied at the productive tilling stage. Zn and Si fertilizers applied at different stages could decrease brown rice rate and increase milled rice rate and head rice rate of the milling quality. Meanwhile, the chalky grain rate and chalky degree were also decreased by using Zn and Si fertilizers. In different treatments, the appearance quality of rice was greatly improved when Zn plus Si fertilizers applied at the stage of growing the second leaf from top. Of protein and amylose contents varied with treatments, while gel consistency, taste, taste value, peak viscosity and break down increased and set back decreased with the application of Zn and Si fertilizers, particularly with the application of Zn plus Si fertilizers at the stage of growing the second leaf from top. Correlation analysis revealed that peak viscosity, break down and set back were closely correlated to amylose content, gel consistency, taste and taste values of cooking quality. Therefore, the application of Zn and Si fertilizers at different stages could improve the yield and quality of japonica rice with good eating quality. In japonica rice with good eating quality, the highest yield could be obtained when Zn fertilizer applied at the stage of growing the fourth leaf from top, and the best cooking and eating quality could be achieved when Zn plus Si fertilizers applied at the stage of growing the second leaf from top.

      Effects of Ridge Mulching with Side-dressing on Grain Yield, Protein Content and Water Use Efficiency in Dryland Wheat
      HUANG Ming, WANG Zhao-Hui, LUO Lai-Chao, WANG Sen, BAO Ming, HE Gang, CAO Han-Bing, DIAO Chao-Peng, LI Sha-Sha
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  899-911.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00899
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      The yield of dryland wheat can be promoted in plastic-film-mulching cultivation but the grain protein content is decreased simultaneously. Fertilizer management is considered as one of the solutions to this problem. From September 2013 to September 2016, we conducted a three-year experiment in four fixed dryland plots in central Loess Plateau with winter wheat under three cropping patterns. The CP pattern was the local conventional cropping pattern without plastic film mulching and uniform fertilization. The RF pattern was carried out by ridge mulching, furrow seeding and uniform fertilization. The RFF pattern was similar to RF except that fertilizer was located with side-dressing under plastic film. The nitrate-N content in 0–40 cm soil layer, soil moisture (0–200 cm), the nitrogen absorption and utilization of wheat plant, final yield, grain protein content, and water use efficiency (WUE) were measured. In the dry 2013–2014 and 2015–2016 growing seasons, compared with CP, yield increased by 9.5% and 6.3% in RF and by 18.8% and 22.8% in RFF, WUE increased by 5.8% and 8.7% in RF and by 13.2% and 19.6% in RFF. The grain protein content under RF condition decreased by 7.1% in 2013–2014 and 9.9% in 2015–2016, however, that under RFF condition had no significant changes in both years. In the wet 2014–2015 growing season, grain yield had no significant changes among CP, RF, and RFF, whereas the grain protein content and WUE in RFF were increased by 6.0% and 17.0%, respectively. RFF could adjust soil water storage and consumption better than RF with decreasing water consumption in 100–200 cm soil layer in wet year and increasing water harvest during fallow period in dry year. In addition, RFF was more favorable than RF to the nitrate-N content in 0–40 cm soil layer, total N content in root at anthesis and harvest, total N content in leaf at anthesis, and N absorption, accumulation in vegetative organs and N translocation to grain. As a result, RFF had higher yield, grain protein content, and WUE than RF. In dry years of 2013–2014 and 2015–2016, compared with RF, the yield in RFF was increased by 8.4% and 15.5%, the grain protein content increased by 9.9% and 8.7%, and WUE increased by 7.0% and 10.0%, respectively. In the wet year of 2014–2015, the grain protein content in RFF was 6.0% higher than that in RF, although there was no significant increase of yield under RFF condition. These results indicate that RFF is an excellent cropping pattern for dryland wheat because it is able to maintain the soil N supply at later growing stage and water storage in deep soil before seeding of the following growing season, as well as increase yield, protein content and WUE of wheat.

      Effects of Total Straw Returning and Nitrogen Application on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization of Machine Transplanted Japonica Rice
      LI Xiao-Feng,CHENG Jin-Qiu,LIANG Jian,CHEN Meng-Yun,REN Hong-Ru,ZHANG Hong-Cheng,HUO Zhong-Yang*,DAI Qi-Gen,XU Ke,WEI Hai-Yan,GUO Bao-Wei
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  912-924.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00912
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      Two regular japonica rice cultivars in Jiangsu (Nanjing 5055 and Nanjing 46) were adopted in this study. The aim of this study was to discuss the influence of different nitrogen fertilizer applications on yield nitrogen absorption and utilization in mechanical transplanted japonica rice, under the condition of total straw returning. Total amount of nitrogen fertilizer was 300 kg N ha-1, with treatments of different basal-tillering / panicle fertilizer ratios, including 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5, and 4:6. The yield was significantly affected by total straw returning as compared with non-application of straw, that of Nanjing 5055 and Nanjing 46 increased by 5.04% and 4.64% reapectirely. The yield of machine transplanted japonica rice with straw returned to the field first increased and then decreased with decreasing basal-tillering-fertilizer proportion, and the treatment with 7:3 of basal-tillering / panicle fertilizer ratio had the highest yield. With the same nitrogen application, dry matter accumulation of total straw returning treatment was lower than that of the control during the elongation stage and the transplantation to elongation stage, but higher at heading stage, mature stage, elongation to heading stage and heading to maturity stage. With the decrease of basal-tillering-fertilizer proportion, dry matter accumulation was decreased at elongation stage and transplantation to elongation stage, but first increased and then decreased during the heading, mature, elongation to heading and heading to maturity stages. In the treatment of 7:3 of basal-tillering/panicle fertilizer ratio, the dry matter accumulation, and economic coefficient were the highest in whole straw returning treatment. In the whole straw returning treatment, compared with the control, the nitrogen accumulation was lower before elongation, but higher at elongation to heading and heading to maturity stages. In addition, the nitrogen apparent efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency and nitrogen partial factor productivity were also higher than thase of the treatment without straw application. In different nitrogen fertilizer applications, with the decrease of basal-tillering-fertilizer proportion, the nitrogen apparent efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency, nitrogen physiological efficiency and nitrogen partial factor productivity were first increased and then decreased, reaching the highest point when the application proportion of base-tiller nitrogen fertilizer to earing nitrogen fertilizer was 7:3.

      Effects of Tillage Methods and Nitrogen Fertilizer Types on Photosynthetic Performance of Summer Maize
      ZHENG Bin,ZHAO Wei,XU Zheng,GAO Da-Peng,JIANG Yuan-Yuan,LIU Peng,LI Zeng-Jia,LI Geng*,NING Tang-Yuan*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  925-934.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00925
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      In order to understand the effects of different tillage methods and nitrogen fertilizer types on photosynthetic performances and their mechanism, the characteristics of photosystem II (PSII), photosystem I (PSI) and the coordination between them in ear leaves of maize (cultivar, Zhengdan 958) were studied by using fast chlorophyll fluorescence-induction kinetics and 820 nm light-absorption curves. Two-year field experiment indicated that, compared with normal urea, controlled-release urea significantly increased the chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) of ear leaves after anthesis, and significantly improved the coordination between PSII and PSI. Compared with rotary tillage, subsoiling significantly increased the photosynthetic performances in ear leaves during reproductive stage. Subsoiling method combined with controlled-release urea application could significantly increase chlorophyll content, improve the performances of electron donor and acceptor sides of electron transport chain in PSII reaction center, and enhance the distribution of electron transported from PSII to PSI as well. Consequently, the coordination between PSII and PSI after anthesis was significantly improved, which is conducive to the stability of photosynthetic performances during maize reproductive stage. The improvement of photosynthetic performances under subsoiling method and controlled-release urea treatment significantly enhanced Pn in ear leaves and increased grain number per ear and grain yield per plant, and eventually increased maize yield. Therefore, subsoiling combined with controlled-release urea could effectively improve photosynthetic performances by increasing the coordination between PSII and PSI, which is the major reason for increasing maize yield.

      Hormone Expression and Tp Gene Chromosomal Localization of Tall Plant Mutant from Upland Cotton
      CHEN Xu-Sheng,DI Jia-Chun,ZHOU Xiang-Yang,ZHAO Liang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  935-939.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00935
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      Taking a tall plant mutant Gaogan 1 as test material, and a common variety N099 as control, three hormones from soaked seed embryos were determined with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. The contests of GA3, ZR, and IAA in the mutant were respectively higher than those in the normal plant, especially; the GA3 content was significantly higher. GA3 contents in F1 individuals were significantly higher than those in two parents, but ZR and IAA contests were even lower than those in normal plant parents, which showed that the mutant is a GA3 enrichment-type mutant. F2 plants from a cross of Gaogan 1 ? N099 were used to map the mutant gene Tp, showing four molecular markers including NAU2083, NAU4045, NAU2419, and NAU4044 linked with Tp gene. The Tp gene flanked with molecular markers NAU4045 and NAU2419, with the genetic distance of 7.4 cM and 41.2 cM, respectively. Thus, Tp gene is located in cotton Chr. 1.

      Relative Molecular Weight of Lignin in Cotton Fiber
      HU Wen-Ran,FAN Ling,LI Xiao-Rong,XIE Li-Xia,YANG Yang,LI Bo,CHEN Fang-Yuan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(06):  940-944.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00940
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      Molecular weight is one of the important characteristics of polymers, lignin molecular weight and its distribution is one of the contents for studying responses of phenylpropanoid structure, physicochemical characteristics and evaluation of the modified product quality. In this research, the relative molecular weight of lignin extracted respectively by enzyme hydrolysis mild acidolysis and dioxane from mature cotton fibers was studied combined with gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The dioxane lignin (DL) had an average molecular weight (Mw) of 2924 g mol–1, and a number-average molecular weight (Mn) of 2403 g mol–1, which were slightly higher than the enzymatic hydrolysis-mild acidolysis lignin (EMAL, Mw was 2169 g mol–1 and Mn was 1970 g mol–1). The polydispersity coefficient of EMAL was slightly lower than that of DL, showing the higher uniformity in EMAL than in DL. The method of EMAL was more suitable to analyze the relative molecular weight of lignin in cotton fiber. The relative molecular weights of lignin in different cotton varieties, extracted by EMAL, were analyzed, showing that the MW distribution range of lignin was 938–2169 g mol–1, while Mn was 857–1970 g mol–1 and the polydispersity coefficient was 1.09–1.74 (less than 2). The weight average molecular weight had significantly negative correlation with the micronaire value (P<0.05). The number average molecular weight was negatively correlated with fiber length (P<0.05), and the micronaire value (P<0.01), respectively.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
