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    12 October 2015, Volume 41 Issue 10
      Development and Utilization of CAPS/dCAPS Markers Based on the SNPs Lying in Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistant Genes Rhg4
      SHI Xue-Hui,LI Ying-Hui,YU Bai-Shuang,GUO Yong,WANG Jia-Jun,QIU Li-Juan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1463-1471.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01463
      Abstract ( 909 )   RICH HTML    PDF (4176KB) ( 798 )   Save
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      Soybean cyst nematode (SCN, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) is one of the most destructive diseases which largely suppressed soybean production worldwide. Rhg4 was one of two major resistant loci for SCN. In this study two nonsynonymous SNPs (Rhg4-389-G/C and Rhg4-1165-T/A) in GmSHMT were deduced to confer SCN resistance or susceptibility. One CAPS marker (Rhg4-389) and one dCAPS marker (Rhg4-1165) with the advantages of rapid, economic, simple and easy way to use were developed based on two nonsynonymous SNPs (Rhg4-389-G/C and Rhg4-1165-T/A), respectively. Then, a total of 193 soybean cultivars mainly from SCN-applied-core collection were genotyped by markers Rhg4-389 and Rhg4-1165. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis indicated pairwise of Rhg4-389 and Rhg4-1165 was in significant LD (P-value = 0.0001) with r2 of 0.87. Among four haplotypes detected in this panel, Rhg4-389-G/Rhg4-1165-T and Rhg4-389-C/Rhg4-1165-A were predominant; while both Rhg4-389-G/Rhg4-1165-A and Rhg4-389-C/Rhg4-1165-T were rare, which only discovered in the resistant cultivars from China. Rhg4-389-G and Rhg4-1165-T alleles mainly occurred in resistant cultivars, and almost coincided with Rhg4-389-G/Rhg4-1165-T haplotype. Of 101 resistant cultivars with Rhg4-389-G/Rhg4-1165-T haplotype, 94.1% (95) were resistant to SCN. In this study, we not only developed convenient CAPS/dCAPS markers for marker assisted selection (MAS) breeding, but also dissected the genetic architecture of Rhg4 locus among SCN-applied-core collection. Hopefully, this study will provide helpful information for improving the utilization efficiency of resistant resources in soybean breeding.

      Development, Field and Molecular Characterization of Advanced Lines with Pleiotropic Adult-Plant Resistance in Common Wheat
      LIU Jin-Dong,YANG En-Nian,XIAO Yong-Gui,CHEN Xin-Min,WU Ling,BAI Bin,LI Zai-Feng,Garry M. ROSEWARNE,XIA Xian-Chun,HE Zhong-Hu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1472-1480.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01472
      Abstract ( 949 )   RICH HTML    PDF (258KB) ( 1302 )   Save
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      Stripe rust, leaf rust, and powdery mildew are devastative fungal diseases of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in China, and breeding cultivars with pleiotropic adult-plant resistance is believed to be the most important solution to control these diseases effectively and environmental friendly. A total of 21 winter wheat advanced lines and 96 spring wheat advanced lines collected from adult-plant resistance breeding programs were used to estimate the level of resistance against the stripe rust, leaf rust and powdery mildew across several environments. Simultaneously, the distribution of pleiotropic resistance genes Lr34/Yr18/Pm38, Lr46/Yr29/Pm39, and Sr2/Yr30 were also detected using molecular marker closely linked to the target genes. The field test showed that 17 winter wheat lines (80.9%) and 85 spring wheat lines (88.5%) performed acceptable resistance against the three diseases. All the 21 winter wheat lines tested contain QPm.caas-4DL, of which seven contain QPm.caas-2BS and nine contain QPm.caas-2BL. Among the 96 spring wheat lines, 18 carry Lr34/Yr18/Pm38, 37 carry Lr46/Yr29/Pm39, and 29 lines possess Sr2/Yr30. These results indicate that molecular-marker-assistant selection in combination with conventional breeding is effective and applicable in developing pleiotropic adult-plant resistance cultivars, which provides a new thought for wheat resistance breeding.

      Genetic Analysis of Yield-Associated Traits by Unconditional and Conditional QTL in Brassica napus
      JIAO Cong-Cong,HUANG Ji-Xiang,WANG Yi-Long,ZHANG Xiao-Yu,XIONG Hua-Xin,NI Xi-Yuan,ZHAO Jian-Yi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1481-1489.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01481
      Abstract ( 998 )   RICH HTML    PDF (1077KB) ( 1313 )   Save
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      Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) for silique length (SL) were mapped in the updated SG map using the phenotypic data from nine environments. QTLs with additive and epistatic effects and their interactions with environments were estimated. At QTL level, conditional QTL analysis was performed to dissect the genetic relationships between silique length and seed number per silique (SS), and between silique length and 1000-seed weight (SW). Our goal was to identify QTLs that are important for silique length, as indexed by their positive correlations with either seeds per silique or 1000-seed weight, or both of the traits. Markers linked to the target QTL can be developed for indirect selection of SS and SW. As shown by the results, we detected eight QTLs with additive effects, which together accounted for around 60% of the phenotypic variations. While the total effects of eight pairs of epistatic loci (additive × additive) ranged from 0.035 to 0.075 cm and their summation was 38% of the total additive effects. QTL by environmental interactions were significant only in few environments with small amount of genetic effects. The conditional QTL analysis revealed large impact of silique length on seed number per silique in three QTLs (qSLA2, qSLC1-2, and qSLC8-1). Allelic selection for long silique length in qSLA7, qSLC1-2, qSLC8-1, and qSLC8-2 loci could potentially increase the seed number per silique (SS) and 1000-seed weight (SW). Association analysis between genotypes linking to six related QTLs and the corresponding phenotypes of yield related traits indicated that the combination of long silique alleles from four QTLs (qSLA2, qSLA7, qSLC8-1, and qSLC8-2) by marker assistant selection of ZAAS423, SUC1-3, ZAAS12a, ZAASA7-28, ZAAS433, and ZAAS437 significantly increased about two cm in silique length. Meanwhile, two additional seeds per silique were increased, and the 1000-seed weight was enhanced by 0.4 g. Taken together, we suggest the importance of these QTLs and markers for yield breeding purpose in Brassica napus.

      Expression of Apoptosis Inhibitor Genes OpIAP and p35 Enhances Resistance to Rhizoctonia cerealis in Transgenic Wheat
      SHEN Fang-Di,HONG Yan-Tao,DU Li- Pu,XU Hui-Jun,MA Ling-Jian,ZHANG Zeng-Yan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1490-1499.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01490
      Abstract ( 731 )   RICH HTML    PDF (951KB) ( 1040 )   Save
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      OpIAP (Orgyia pseudotsugata inhibitor of apoptosis protein) gene encodes an inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) which comes from Orgyia pseudotsugata multicapsid polyhedrosis virus, p35 gene isolated from an Autographa californica nucleo-polyhedron virus encodes a 35 kDa apoptosis protein inhibitor. The expression of both genes displays enhanced resistance in tobacco, maize and cotton. In this study, the full-length coding sequences of OpIAP and p35 genes were synthesized, respectively. The transformation vector pUbi:p35-RSS1P:Myc-OpIAP containing two gene expression cassettes was constructed. In the expression vector pUbi:p35-RSS1P:Myc-OpIAP, the OpIAP gene was driven by the rice sucrose synthase-1 promoter and the p35 gene was driven by the maize ubiquitin promoter. Embryo calli of Yangmai 16 were bombarded by the gold particle containing pUbi:p35-RSS1P:Myc-OpIAP vector DNA. Transgenic wheat plants in T0–T2 generations were subjected to PCR, RT-PCR, qRT-PCR and Western blot analyses. The results indicated that the introduced OpIAP and p35 genes could be inherited and expressed in four transgenic wheat lines. Rhizoctonia cerealis isolate R0301 or WK207 was used to inoculate T1 and T2 plants for sharp eyespot severity assessments. The results showed that the transgenic wheat plants expressing OpIAP and p35 displayed significantly enhanced resistance to sharp eyespot compared with non-transgenic wheat Yangmai 16. Thus, the introduced OpIAP and p35 genes could be used in improving wheat resistance to wheat sharp eyespot caused by different Rhizoctonia cerealis isolates.

      Genome-Wide Association Analysis between SNP Markers and Plant Height Related Traits in Wheat
      CHEN Guang-Feng,CHEN Jian-Sheng,TIAN Ji-Chun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1500-1509.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01500
      Abstract ( 1297 )   RICH HTML    PDF (1401KB) ( 2940 )   Save
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      Plant height (PH) has great influence to yield potential and lodging occurrence in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In this study, the diverse panel of 205 elite wheat lines was genotyped with the 90k SNP array (24 355 SNPs) based on the Illumina Infinium assay to disclose the PH genetic mechanism. A total of 38 SNPs were found to be associated with PH (P < 0.0001), which were located on chromosomes 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3D, 4A, 4B, 5A, and 6D, including 11 SNPs detected in two or more environments. These stable SNPs can be used to develop CAPS markers for PH. In addition, a few elite alleles were identified, such as BobWhite_c48009_52 to reduce PH by 12.9 cm, and BS00039422_51-C and IAAV1698-A to decrease length of the first internode below spike by 5.9 cm and 6.6 cm, respectively. These results will facilitate further researches in PH-related traits in wheat.

      QTL Mapping for Kernel Related Traits Based on a High-Density Genetic Map
      QIN Wei-Wei,LI Yong-Xiang,LI Chun-Hui,CHEN Lin,WU Xun,BAI Na,SHI Yun-Su,SONG Yan-Chun,ZHANG Deng-Feng,WANG Tian-Yu,LI Yu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1510-1518.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01510
      Abstract ( 1009 )   RICH HTML    PDF (473KB) ( 1501 )   Save
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      Kernel size and weight are major determinants of grain yield. For understanding molecular mechanisms of kernel related traits, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population including 130 families was developed from the cross of two maize elite inbreds, Huangzaosi (HZS) and Mo17. By using the approach of GBS (genotyping-by-sequencing), the high-density genetic map with 1262 bin markers was constructed. QTLs for kernel related traits were identified by stepwise regression (RSTEP-LRT) using Windows QTL ICI-Mapping software in five environments. In total, 30 QTLs were detected in single environment and 11 QTLs were detected in joint environment. The kernel length major QTL qklen1 and the length/width major QTL qklw1 were found in the adjoining regions with a strong genetic effect in three environments. QTL qklen1 was located in a region of 210–212 Mb on chromosome 1 with explained 22.60% of phenotypic variance, and qklw1 was located in a region of 207–208 Mb on chromosome 1 with explained 26.79% of phenotypic variance. In addition, for further verification, another introgression population of BC3F1 was developed with Mo17 as the donor parent and HZS as the recurrent parent. The result of the single marker analysis suggested that qklen1 and qklw1 also had a significantly genetic effect, which is similar to that in the RIL population. The present study provides a good basis for studying genetic mechanism and molecular marker assisted selection for the improvement of kernel related traits in maize.

      Characterization and Gene Mapping of a Spotted-leaf Mutant spl21 in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      SONG Li-Xin,HUANG Qi-Na,FENG Bao-Hua,SHI Yong-Feng,ZHANG Xiao-Bo,XU Xia,WANG Hui-Mei,LI Xiao-Hong,ZHAO Bao-Hua,WU Jian-Li
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1519-1528.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01519
      Abstract ( 664 )   RICH HTML    PDF (1512KB) ( 847 )   Save
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      The rice spotted-leaf 21 mutant (spl21) was isolated from a diepoxybutane-induced IR64 mutant bank. Under field conditions, the red-brown spots appeared on the leaves of mutant seedlings in two weeks after sowing. Subsequently, a portion of spots merged and the leaf tips became yellowish, wilted and spread downwards along both edges of the leaf blade leading to the death of the whole leaf blade when the symptom was severe. Accumulation of H2O2 was detected in and around the spots. Major agronomic traits including plant height, length of panicle, number of panicles, number of filled grains, seed setting-rate and 1000-grain weight were markedly affected in the mutant. The contents of chlorophyll a, b, carotenoid and photosynthetic parameters were significantly reduced in the mutant as compared with the wild type. Furthermore, the activities of CAT, SOD, APX and soluble protein contents were significantly lower than those of the wild type while the activity of POD was apparently higher than that of the wild type. The mutant trait was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, tentatively termed spl21(t), located on the long arm of chromosome 12. The population and data achieved in the present study would facilitate the isolation and functional analysis of spl21(t).

      Development and Verification of a CAPS Marker Linked to Tuber Shape Gene in Potato
      ZHU Wen-Wen,XU Jian-Fei,LI Guang-Cun,DUAN Shao-Guang,LIU Jie,BIAN Chun-Song,PANG Wan-Fu,Walter De Jong,JIN Li-Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1529-1536.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01529
      Abstract ( 696 )   RICH HTML    PDF (697KB) ( 1395 )   Save
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      Tuber shape is one of the most important traits for potato cultivars especially for the processing varieties. Previous study shows that a single gene Ro on chromosome 10 controls most variation for round versus long tuber shape. In this study, based on the potato genome sequence information and bulked segregation analysis strategy, we developed a CAPS marker 1137-CAPSVI using the diploid potato genotypes 320-02, 10618-01 and their 213 F1 tuber shape segregated population. This marker was verified in 53 tetraploid breeding lines with diverse tuber shapes. The results showed that the consistency rate between the marker and tuber shape was 83.02% and the accuracy of the CAPS marker 1137-CAPSVI for selecting round tuber shape was up to 91.42%, and the further Pearson correlation analysis result showed that the marker was significantly correlated with tuber shape. The CAPS marker provides a basis for molecular marker-assisted selection in potato breeding especially for processing variety.

      Comparison of Yield and Resource Utilization Efficiency among Different Maize and Rice Cropping Systems in Middle Reaches of Yangtze River
      LI Shu-Ya,TIAN Shao-Yang,YUAN Guo-Yin,GE Jun-Zhu,XU Ying,WANG Meng-Ying,CAO Cou-Gui,ZHAI Zhong-Bing,LING Xiao-Xia,ZHAN Ming,ZHAO Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1537-1547.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01537
      Abstract ( 755 )   RICH HTML    PDF (359KB) ( 1014 )   Save
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      The development of maize production is important to solve the contradiction between maize production and requirement for people in the middle reaches of Yangtze River. With the rapid development of maize production recently, some new double cropping systems in a whole year such as spring maize-late rice, double season maize, early rice-autumn maize have been emerged in this region. In order to explore the extension potential of these double cropping systems in this region, four kinds of double cropping systems were tested in Wuxue, Hubei Province in 2013 and 2014, including traditional double season rice (RR), spring maize-late rice (MR), double season maize (MM) and early rice-autumn maize (RM). The field experiment with three replicates was conducted to analyze annual yield, use efficiencies of solar radiation, heat and water, and economic benefit of the four cropping systems. The results showed that annual yield of MR and MM were significantly higher than that of RM and RR. Compared with RR, MR increased annual yield, solar radiation productive efficiency, solar radiation use efficiency, accumulated heat productive efficiency, water use efficiency and economic benefit by 18.3%, 14.1%, 23.4%, 16.4%, 37.2%, and 44.3%, respectively; meanwhile, MM enhanced these paremeters by 13.5%, 8.1%, 26.1%, 11.4%, 88.8%, and 37.8%, respectively. The grain yield of spring maize was 30.6% higher than that of early rice, and there was no significant difference in yield between autumn maize and late rice. In comparison with early rice, spring maize increased accumulated heat productive efficiency, water use efficiency and economic benefit in the two years by 29.5%, 57.2%, and 96.1%, respectively. So the difference in annual yield of different cropping systems mainly results from yield difference between the first season spring maize and early season rice. The cropping systems of spring maize-late rice and double season maize are appropriate to be extended in the middle reaches of Yangtze River.

      Effects of Straw-Returning Instead of Chemical Potassium Application on Oil Accumulation in Cottonseed Embryo in Wheat-Cotton Rotation System
      SONG Guang-Lei,SUI Ning,YU Chao-Ran,ZHANG Fan,MENG Ya-Li,CHEN Bing-Lin,ZHAO Wen-Qing,WANG You-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1548-1556.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01548
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      A field experiment was carried out to study the influence of straw returning to field (taking the place of chemical potassium fertilization) on cottonseed lipid content and its physiological mechanism in 2012—2013 in the research station of Jiangsu Agricultural Academy in Nanjing. Application rates of wheat straw were designed as 0, 4500, and 9000 kg ha-1 (W0, W1, and W2) in cotton season. Similarly, application rates of cotton straw were designed as 0, 3750, and 7500 kg ha-1 (C0, C1, and C2) in wheat reason. There were nine straw-returning treatments with combinations of two kinds of crop straw at returning different amounts. Additionally, according to the straw potassium content, K fertilizer rates were newly designed as 150 and 300 kg K2O ha-1 (K1 and K2) in cotton season in 2012. The results showed that under the condition of optimized nitrogen (300 kg N ha–1) and phosphate (150 kg P2O5 ha–1) fertilization levels, with straw returning and the chemical potassium fertilizer application year by year, the differences of soil available nitrogen and phosphorus between years were not significant, while those of soil K content were significantly different. The 17th day and 24th day after anthesis (DAA) were the key period for the difference of cottonseed oil formation. Under the chemical potassium fertilization and the straw returning condition, the phosphatidic acid phosphatase (PPase) contributed more to cottonseed oil accumulation than glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) in response to soil potassium nutrition. The result indicated that, the soil available K content was the major nutrition factor that was significantly affected by the two-years straw returning and the chemical potassium fertilizer application. Straw returning to field can take the place of chemical potassium application to a high extent. The amount of straw returning will affect potassium content of the soil. Low potassium stress will accelerate the aging of cotton plant, and might be a straight reason that caused the difference of oil content. The potassium content in the cottonseed at 17th day, 24th day after anthesis is a key nutrition factor that may lead to the difference of cottonseed oil content. The phosphatidic acid phosphatase (PPase) plays a more important role than glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) in cottonseed oil accumulation in response to soil potassium nutrition.

      Effect of Brassinolide on Leaf Photosynthetic Function and Yield in Spring Maize Filling Stage
      WANG Qing-Yan, GUAN Da-Hai,PAN Hai-Bo,LI Jian-Min,DUAN Liu-Sheng,ZHANG Ming-Cai,LI Zhao-Hu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1557-1563.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01564
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      A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of plant growth regulator brassinolide (BR) on the regulation of physiological activities of ear leaf, the grain filling and yield in spring maize (Zea mays L., cv. Zhengdan 958). Husks and ear leaves were treated with BR at 15 days after anthesis by foliar spraying. The results showed that the chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate and activities of PEP carboxylaes, RuBP carboxylase, sucrose synthase and sucrose phosphate synthase in ear leaf as well as source content in kernel were significantly reduced, while starch accumulation and dry weight of kernel were increased during grain filling. BR significantly increased the content of chlorophyll and photosynthetic rate, enhanced the activities of PEP carboxylaes and RuBP carboxylase, definitely resulting in enhanced CO2 assimilation. BR markedly increased the activities of sucrose synthase and sucrose phosphate synthase in ear leaf. And in kernel, the accumulation of sucrose and starch as well as the grain filling rate were accelerated by BR. BR treatment significantly reduced the length of ear barren tip, and increased the number of kernels per ear, which led to higher yield. These results suggest that BR treatment at filling stage may be a good strategy to get a high yield in maize, by enhancing activity of resource, delaying sencence and stimulating the ?ow of assimilate from the source to the sink.

      Effects of Irrigation with Micro-sprinkling Hoses on Canopy Temperature and Humidity at Filling Stage and Grain Weight of Wheat
      WANG Dong*,XU Xue-Xin,ZHANG Hong-Bo,LIN Xiang,ZHAO Yang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1564-1574.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01564
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      We carried out a two-year field experiment in 2012–2013 and 2013–2014 growing seasons of winter wheat, with treatments of no irrigation (W0), border irrigation (W1), and irrigation with micro-sprinkling hoses special for wheat (W2). The W2 treatment was conducted at different time of a day in early or late grain filling stage with different amounts of irrigation in the middle and late filling stages. The results showed that the spike layer temperature of W2 decreased by 6.8–11.3°C after irrigating with micro-sprinkling hoses at 10:00 a.m. in early grain filling stage, and the decline was significantly greater than that of W1. However, no significant difference in temperature of spike layer was observed between W2 and W1 from the 2nd day to the 4th day after irrigation and between W2 and W0 at the 4th day after irrigation. The leaf water potential on the irrigation day was significantly higher in W2 than in W1. In contrast, leaf photosynthetic rate on the irrigation day, as well as leaf water potential and leaf photosynthetic rate on the next day were similar between W2 and W1. As a result, the grain weight and the grain yield in W2 and W1 were higher than those in W0 treatment. Besides, the irrigation water use efficiency of W2 was significantly higher than that of W1. When 5 or 10 mm of water was sprayed by micro-sprinkling hoses at 10:00, 12:00, and 14:00 hours in the late grain filling, the canopy temperature decreased significantly whereas the canopy relative humidity, the flag leaf water potential, and the canopy apparent photosynthetic rate tended to increase. During a day, earlier irrigation resulted in better improvement of water status and photosynthetic performance for wheat leaf. Our results suggest that supplementary irrigation with micro-sprinkling hoses should be conducted at early grain-filling stage or at 10:00 on a day during middle-to-late grain filling with 5–10 mm water spray each time when daily high temperature is forecasted.

      Effects of Processing on Zearalenone Concentrations in Wheat and Products Made of Wheat
      ZHANG Hui-Jie,SUN Li-Juan,SUN Juan,ZHANG Yan,LI Wei-Xi,HU Xue-Xu,WANG Bu-Jun*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1575-1581.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01575
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      Mycotoxin is one of the risky factors in safeties of wheat and the food made of wheat. The objective of this study was to investigate changes of mycotoxin in the processing chain of wheat milling and wheat end-use products, and to assess the risk of mycotoxin-contaminated grain as edibles. The zearalenone (ZEN) levels were tested in different milling fractions of ZEN-contaminated wheat grain and its end-use products (bread, noodle, and Chinese steamed bread) at different processing stages using UPLC-MS/MS method. The results showed that, ZEN concentrations in bran and shorts significantly increased, which were two times more than these in wheat grain, and ZEN concentration in flour decreased averagely by more than 70% as compared with that in wheat grain. When ZEN-stained flour was processed into bread and Chinese steamed bread, ZEN concentration increased by 1.0 and 1.8 times, respectively. However, ZEN concentration in cooked noodle reduced at least 30% during cooking because of the leaching in water. These results indicate that processing has a significant effect on mycotoxin level in wheat flour and its end-use products and diverse standards for ZEN limits in food are required to be established for different products made of wheat.

      Effects of Mini-ditch Planting with Plastic Mulching in Ridges on Soil Water Content, Temperature and Potato Yield in Rain-fed Semiarid Region
      HOU Hui-Zhi,WANG Juan,ZHANG Xu-Cheng,FANG Yan-Jie,YU Xian-Feng,WANG Hong-Li,MA Yi-Fan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1582-1590.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01582
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      It is necessary to investigate the effects of the regulation of furrow and ridge regulated according to the potato growing characteristics on soil thermal-moisture status and potato productivity, A three-year (2012 to 2014) field trial was conducted at Dingxi Experimental Station of Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (35º35' N, 104º36' E), in northwest Loess plateau. Potato cultivar Xindaping (Solanum tuberosum) was selected as test material. With three treatments: 1) mini-ditch planting with plastic mulching in ridges (RMF), 2) ridge-furrow planting with plastic mulching (RF), and 3) field flat planting (CK). The soil temperature, soil water content and potato yield were determined, as well as soil accumulated temperature of ≥10, water consumption, soil water storage, water use efficiency and other parameters were calculated. The results showed that RMF and RF significantly increased ≥10 soil accumulated temperature at different growth periods and the whole growth period in normal rainfall years (2012 and 2014) , as compared with CK, but there was no significant difference of the temperature between plastic mulching treatments and CK in the abundant rainfall year (2013). The soil water storage of RMF in 0–80 cm soil was 28.20–31.61 mm lower, but in 80–200 cm soil higher than those of RF and CK. As compared with CK, RMF and RF significantly increased number of basal stems, number of branches and dry weight of stem, resulting in 60.78%–89.37% and 41.91%–73.33% increment of potato tube yield, and 49.46%–82.55% and 35.62%–65.66% increment of potato water use efficiency, respectively. Although the soil moisture and crop evapotranspiration were not varied significantly in RMF, the soil water consumption from 0 to 200 cm soil layer of RMF was 66.52% more than that of CK, and 14.19% more than that of RF in seasonal drought years, resulting in the higher tuber yield and water use efficiency.

      Effect of Low Nitrogen Rate Combined with High Plant Density on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Super Rice
      XIE Xiao-Bing,ZHOU Xue-Feng,JIANG Peng,CHEN Jia-Na,ZHANG Rui-Chun,WU Dan-Dan,CAO Fang-Bo,SHAN Shuang-Lü,HUANG Min,ZOU Ying-Bin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1591-1602.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01591
      Abstract ( 741 )   RICH HTML    PDF (895KB) ( 1305 )   Save
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      In order to study the impacts of low nitrogen rate combined with high plant density on tillering, earbearing tiller percentage, dry matter accumulation, apparent transformation rate, N-use efficiency and grain yield, field experiments with three nitrogen rates (75, 150, and 225 kg N ha-1) and four plant densities (68, 40, 27, and 19 hill m-2) as well as with three levels of number of seedlings per hill (1, 2, and 3 seedling(s) hill-1) and four plant densities (40, 27, 19, and 14 hill m-2) were conducted using super rice cultivar Y-liangyou 1 at Changsha, Hunan Province and Chengmai, Hainan Province in 2012–2013. The results showed that when  seedlings per unit area were the same or approximate in combination with reducing seedlings per hill and increasing density (RSID), the dry matter accumulated 10.5% and 5.2% more than those with increasing seedlings per hill and reducing density (ISRD) at heading and maturity, respectively. RSID also produced 2.9% higher grain yield than ISRD. Panicles m-2 had the highest and significant contribution to grain yield in RSID. Productive tillering stage was shorter by six days, and earbearing tiller percentage, apparent transformation rate (ATR), partial factor productivity of applied nitrogen (PEP) and internal utilization efficiency of nitrogen (IE) were respectively higher by 10.9%, 21.0%, 150.6%, and 19.6% under low nitrogen rate (75150 kg N ha-1) combined with high plant density (4068 hills m-2) than under higher nitrogen rate (225 kg N ha-1) combined with low plant density (1927 hills m-2). The combination of applying 75 kg N ha-1 and transplanting 40–68 hills m-2 produced 3.2% and 7.5% biomass less than those of applying 150–225 kg N ha-1 and transplanting 19–27 hills m-2 at heading and maturity, respectively, but the differences were not significant. Meanwhile, the former combination decreased 1.2% and 5.2% grain yield at Changsha in two years and at Chengmai in 2012, respectively, while increased 9.1% at Chengmai in 2013, and the differences were significant at Chengmai. However, the combination of applying 150 kg N ha-1 and transplanting 40–68 hills m-2 produced 10.3% biomass and 3.3% grain yield more than that of applying 225 kg N ha-1 and transplanting 19–27 hills m-2, except for biomass decreased 1.7% at maturity. Therefore, the adoption of low nitrogen rate (100150 kg N ha-1) combined with high planting density (40 hills m-2) would improve both grain yield and N-use efficiency for super rice due to reaching the projected tillers earlier, increasing panicles, improving earbearing tiller percentage and seed setting rate, and having suitable biomass and higher ATR at heading stage.

      Genetic Analysis and Fine Mapping of Yellow-Green Leaf Mutant ygl209 in Rice
      LI Guang-Xian,YAO Fang-Yin,HOU Heng-Jun,SUN Zhao-Wen,JIANG Ming-Song,ZHU Wen-Yin,ZHOU Xue-Biao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1603-1611.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01603
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      Etiolation mutants of rice play an important role in studies on the photosynthesis, chloroplast development, and chlorophyll metabolism in higher plants. A japonica rice mutant ygl209 with yellow-green leaf was identified from the BC4F3 progeny of the cross between the transgenic variety of Zhongguo 91 and Zhendao 88 with the latter as the recurrent parent. Compared with the wild-type parent Zhendao 88, the contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid decreased dramatically in the mutant ygl209 at the seedling, tillering and heading stages, respectively. In particular, chlorophyll b decreased most significantly. However, there was no significant change in other agronomic traits, such as days to heading, plant height, number of effective panicles per plant, number of grains in main stem panicle, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. Genetic analysis showed that the yellow-green leaf trait of the ygl209 mutant was controlled by one pair of recessive nuclear genes. With F2 and F3 segregation populations derived from the cross between ygl209 and Zhendao 88, the YGL209 gene was mapped to the centromere region of chromosome 1, with a physical distance of 571.6 kb. We further analyzed the putative candidate genes in the target region through sequencing. A single base substitution (G1390C) was detected in the coding region of the LOC_Os01g31110 gene, which resulted in a missense mutation (A348G) in its encoded protein. Bioinformatic analysis predicted that the LOC_Os01g31110 gene is related to the chloroplast development in rice. Therefore, LOC_Os01g31110 is likely to be the candidate gene of YGL209.

      Responsiveness of Sweet Sorghum in Yield and Quality Related Traits to Environmental Factors
      TANG Chao-Chen,LUO Feng,LI Xin-Yu,PEI Zhong-You,GAO Jian-Ming,SUN Shou-Jun*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(10):  1612-1618.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01612
      Abstract ( 750 )   RICH HTML    PDF (276KB) ( 1155 )   Save
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      The present study aims to elucidate the effects of environmental factors on the traits related to yield and quality in sweet sorghum, to quantify the responsive degree of sweet sorghum traits to the key factors, to analyze the requirements of environmental factors for high yield and quality, and to construct prediction models of yield. Based on the data of five traits and environmental factors obtained from six provinces of China in 2013 and 2014, we studied the responsiveness of sweet sorghum in five traits to environmental factors by the methods of RBF analysis and stepwise regression analysis. The results demonstrated that the environment was the dominant factor affecting the sweet sorghum traits, with greater effects than genotype and G×E interaction. Soil factors exerted more significant effects on sweet sorghum traits than meteorological factors. Precipitation, diurnal temperature difference, soil pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, and available potassium were important environmental factors determining fresh yield, sugar brix, juice yield, sugar yield and stem diameter in sweet sorghum. Organic matter, pH value and total nitrogen content of soil were the three most important environmental factors. The prediction models for fresh weight yield and total sugar yield were verified by significant test with high determination coefficient R2. The paper provides an accurate and reliable theoretical basis for ecological region division, planting management, high yield and good quality in sweet sorghum.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
