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    12 August 2014, Volume 40 Issue 08
      Main Agronomic Traits of 390 Wheat-Rye Derivatives and GISH/FISH Identification of Their Outstanding Materials
      LUO Qiao-Ling,ZHENG Qi,XU Yun-Feng,LI Li-Hui,HAN Fang-Pu,XU Hong-Xing,LI Bin,MA Peng-Tao,AN Diao-Guo
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1331-1339.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014
      Abstract ( 776 )   RICH HTML    PDF (2220KB) ( 1531 )   Save
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      Transferring desirable genes of rye (Secale cereale L.) into common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) can widen the genetic basis and enrich genetic variation of wheat. We analyzed 390 wheat-rye derivatives in this study. Large ranges of variation were found according to six main agronomic traits, indicating an abundant genetic diversity in these germplasms. Compared to ten major wheat cultivars, more than 90% of the wheat-rye derivatives were superior in spike length and tiller number, more than 60% were superior in spikelet number, and about 30% had higher kernel number per spike and thousand-grain weight. Eight representative materials with desirable agronomic traits were tested with genomic in situ hybridization(GISH) and multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization (mc-FISH). The result showed thatamong eight outstanding materials three were hexaploid triticales (AABBRR) and two were octoploid triticales (AABBDDRR); another one was the 1RS·1BL translocation line; and the remaining two lines contained neither chromosome nor chromosome fragments of rye. Interestingly, the rye chromosomes were not completely the same between the hexaploid triticale and the octoploid triticale. A pair of rye chromosomes in the octoploidtriticale was smaller than usual, which was not contained in the hexaploid triticale. We also found that differenttriticale materials had different GISH banding patterns of chromosomes 4R. These results provide a basis for application of the wheat-rye derivatives in wheat breeding.

      Cloning, Prokaryotic Expression and in vitro Functional Analysis of α-Gliadin Genes from Dasypyrum villosum
      YANG Fan,CHEN Qi-Jiao,GAO Xiang,ZHAO Wan-Chun,JIANG Qin-Qin,WU Dan,MENG Min
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1340-1349.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01340
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      Gliadin, which has a great effect on wheat quality, is one of main components in gluten. According to the full lengths of α-gliadin genes deposited in NCBI database, a conserved primer pair was designed to clone α-gliadin genes in five Dasypyrum villosum lines. A total 52 sequences (816 to 873 bp in length) were isolated (GenBank accession numbers: KJ004676 to KJ004727) including eight pseudogenes and another sequence KJ004680 without stop codon. Deduced amino acid sequence anaylsis showed that KJ004677, KJ004686, and KJ004714 contain an extra Cys from the Tyr → Cys mutation, whereas, the extra Cys in KJ004696 resulted from the Ser → Cys mutation. Amino acid variation mainly occurred in N-terminal repetitive region and polyglutamine domain I. Variation in N-terminal repetitive region formed five groups in the 43 α-gliadins. To study the effects of an extra Cys on dough quality, we constructed the prokaryotic expression vectors forKJ004708 (with the typical six Cys residues) and KJ004714 (with an extra Cys) and obtained proteins of ~30 kD from Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) under the induction of isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) with the predicted molecular weight. These expressed proteins were verified by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometry analysis. The result showed that these α-gliadins were expressed correctly in E. coli. After purification, renaturation, and freeze-drying process, the functions of the expressed proteins were tested with 4 g Farinograph. Both KJ004708 and KJ004714 had positive effects on flour quality, especially KJ004714 with an extra Cys.

      GhCPS and GhKS Encoding Gibberellin Biosynthesis Enzymes Involve in Inhibition of Leaf Growth by Mepiquat Chloride in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
      WANG Li,ZHANG Ming-Cai,DU Ming-Wei,TIAN Xiao-Li,LI Zhao-Hu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1350-1355.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01350
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      Ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS) and ent-kaurene synthase (KS) are the key enzymes involved in the early steps of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis. This paper aimed at elucidating whether the action of mepiquat chloride (DPC) on leaf growth was related to the expression levels of GhCPS and GhKS in cotton seedlings. DPC was foliar applied to seedlings at the 3rd leaf expanded stage of cotton cultivar Xinkang 4 by pot culture. The results showed that DPC significantly decreased the leaf area, and the area of the 4th leaf was decreased more than that of the 3rd leaf. DPC at 80 mg L–1 markedly reduced GA4 content in the 3rd leaf at four days after treatment and in the 4th leaf from four to six days after treatment. The expression levels of GhCPS and GhKS in the 3rd leaf were decreased by DPC from one to four days after treatment, and similar trends were observed in the 4th leaf from one to six days after treatment. All the results suggested that DPC could reduce endogenous GA4 content by downregulating GhCPS and GhKS expressions, leading to a smaller leaf size. Otherwise, the younger leaf was more sensitive to DPC.

      Establishment and Application of TRV-mediated Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Cotton
      WANG Xin-Yu,Lü Kun,CAI Cai-Ping,XU Jun,GUO Wang-Zhen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1356-1363.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01356
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      Using upland cotton GhCLA1 as marker gene, tobacco rattle virus induced genes silencing (TRV-VIGS) was established in cotton. A gene fragment of TRV subgenomic RNA2 was amplified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in root, stem and leaf of cotton, demonstrating the virus can spread into various organs. The TRV induced silencing of CLA1 gene was further tested in 34 different cotton varieties (lines) originated from several ecological regions of China. The results showed that CLA1 could be silenced in all tested varieties (lines), though the levels of silencing showed a little difference, implicating wide application perspective of TRV-VIGS system in cotton. GhMAPKKK, a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase gene of cotton, was up-regulated in cotton at 96 hours post inoculation by Verticillium dahliae. Silencing GhMAPKKK in G. barbadense cv. Hai 7124, a cotton variety with high resistance to V. dahlia exhibited reduced resistance to V. dahliae infection, suggesting that GhMAPKKK participated in cotton resistance signaling pathway to V. dahliae. With the wide adaption without genotype selection, sensitivity and high throughput, the TVR-VIGS system will significantly promote functional gene analysis in cotton.

      Molecular Identification of Alleles on Lpx-B1 locus and Lipoxygenase Activity in Durum Wheat (Triticum turgidum L.)
      ZHANG Fu-Yan,SHANG Xiao-Li,WU Pei-Pei,SONG Shuang,CHEN Feng,CUI Dang-Qun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1364-1370.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01364
      Abstract ( 1128 )   RICH HTML    PDF (460KB) ( 1241 )   Save
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      Lipoxygenase (LOX) has a close relationship to the processing quality of flour products in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.). Activity of LOX is greatly influenced by the locus of Lpx-B1. The Lpx-B1 alleles in 167 durum wheat varieties from different countries or regions were identified using gene-specific primers, and the Lpx-B1 genotypes were analyzed based on LOX activity data. The LOX activity varied greatly in the 167 varieties, ranging from 0.20 to 7.98 AU min-1 g-1. On Lpx-B1.1 locus, three alleles (Lpx-B1.1a, Lpx-B1.1b, and Lpx-B1.1c) were identified with frequencies of 55.1%, 7.8%, and 37.1%, respectively. Loci Lpx-B1.2 and Lpx-B1.3 were always reciprocally present in varieties, in which Lpx-B1.2 was presented in 146 varieties and Lpx-B1.3 in the remaining 21 varieties. This result indicates the allelic possibility of Lpx-B1.2 and Lpx-B1.3. In the three Lpx-B1.1 genotypes, the Lpx-B1.1b varieties had significantly higher LOX activity than the Lpx-B1.1a and Lpx-B1.1c varieties, and varieties carrying Lpx-B1.1c allele possessed the lowest LOX activity. The LOX activity in Lpx-B1.3 genotypes was significantly higher than that in Lpx-B1.2 genotypes. A total of six genotypic combinations on the three Lpx-B1 loci in 167 varieties. Among them, Lpx-B1.1b/Lpx-B1.3 combination had the highest LOX activity and combinations of Lpx-B1.1c/Lpx-B1.2 and Lpx-B1.1c/Lpx-B1.3 had the lowest LOX activity. These results are informative to quality breeding of durum wheat.

      Cloning and Expression Analysis of BoLH01and BoLH02 Genes in Cabbage
      ZHANG Lin-Cheng,GAO Qi-Guo,PU Quan-Ming,REN Xue-Song,LIU Yu-Dong,ZHU Li-Quan,WANG Xiao-Jia
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1371-1379.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01371
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      Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors play an important role in the leaf morphogenesis and leaf development. In this study, through transcriptome analyses, two bHLH transcription factor genes, differentially expressed in leaves and shoot tips between cabbage rosette stage and heading stage, were screened, named BoLH01 and BoLH02 genes. The cDNA sequences of BoLH01and BoLH02 were cloned from cabbage (Brasscia oleracea var. Capitata L). The CDS of BoLH01 was 966 bp, which encoded 321 amino acids, and the CDS of BoLH02 was 870 bp, which encoded 289 amino acids. Sequence analysis showed that the similarity of BoLH01 and BoLH02 with AtbHLH18 and AtbHLH19 was 81% and 74% respectively. They contained the typical bHLH domains, conservative 13E-16R, 9E-13R-17H and Leu23 corresponding key amino acid sites. Phylogenetic tree analysis displayed that BoLH01and BoLH02 were closest to AtTCP2/3/4/10/24, and had no close genetic relationship with AtTCP9/11/14/15. Moreover, the transcriptome and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR analysis indicated that the relative expression levels of BoLH01 and BoLH02 were low in rosette leaves, and high in heading stage. Sequence analysis showed that the ATG upstream of BoHB7, BoHB12 and BoILL6 contained the E-box motif, and those motifs could been recognized by bHLH functional domains. The real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR analysis indicated that the variation in expression levels of BoHB7, BoHB12 and BoILL6 was similar with that of BoLH01 and BoLH02 in leaves (1 cm). These results meant that BoLH01 and BoLH02 maybe participate in the regulation of cabbage leaf curl by positively regulating BoHB7, BoHB12, BoILL6.

      Mapping of a Gene Causing Hybrid Pollen Sterility between Yujing 6B and TR2604
      ZHANG Hong-Gen**,SUN Yi-Biao**,FENG Zhi-Qiang,QIAN Kai,PEI Yan,LI Chuang,TANG Shu-Zhu*,LIANG Guo-Hua,GU Ming-Hong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1380-1385.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01380
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      Understanding the genetic basis of spikelet fertility differences between japonica hybrids is good for BT-type three-line japonica hybrid breeding. According to the pollen and spikelet fertility of the plants in the populations derived from Yujing 6A(B), 9201A(B) and TR2604, it was confirmed that the sterility of Yujing 6A(B)/TR2604 F1 plants was induced by the incompatibility between the parents. Genetic analysis suggested that the hybrid pollen sterility character was controlled by a single nuclear gene named S38(t). A total of 352 plants from Yujing 6A//TR2604/TR2604 and Yujing 6B/TR2604//Yujing 6B segregation populations were used for gene mapping, and S38(t) wasmapped between RM18 and RM234 on chromosome 7 with genetic distances of 0.43 cM and 0.14 cM, respectively. The physical distance between RM18 and RM234 was about 118 kb. These results are useful for the map-based cloning of S38(t) gene.

      Quantitative Traits Loci Analysis of Seed Glucosinolate Content in Brassica napus Using High-density SNP Map
      JIAN Hong-Ju,WEI Li-Juan,LI Jia-Na,XU Xin-Fu,CHEN Li,LIU Lie-Zhao*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1386-1391.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01386
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      Seed glucosinolate plays important biological and economic roles in Brassica napus. In this study, we aimed at identifying QTLs related to seed glucosinolate content of B. napus using the composite interval mapping (CIM) method based on the high density SNP genetic map. The total seed glucosinolate content was analyzed via Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) using standard methods with three technical replicates. The QTLs related to seed glucosinolate content in two years were detected using the SNP genetic map constructed in 2013, which contains 2795 SNP markers with the total map length of 1832.9 cM and an average distance of 0.66 cM. Five QTLs for seed total glucosinolate content were identified on A03, A09, C02 in both 2011 and 2012, and LOD threshold values for significant QTLs both in 2011 and in 2012 were determined to be 2.90–10.4. These QTLs explained for 56.9% and 55.1% of the total phenotypic variance in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Another five minor QTLs were also detected either in 2011 or 2012. These QTLs accounted for 4.1%–7.9% of the phenotypic variance and the LOD threshold values were 2.53–3.83.

      Cloning of Autophagy-Related Genes, ATG10s, in Wheat and Their Expression Characteristics Induced by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici
      ZHANG Wei,SUN Hong,WEI Xiao-Jing,XING Li-Ping,WANG Hua-Zhong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1392-1402.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01392
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      Autophagy, a conserved eukaryotic cellular process functioning in material decomposition and nutrient recycling, is deeply involved in plant growth, development, and response to stresses. ATG10 is one of the key factors required in autophagosome formation. In this study, we identified three members (TaATG10a, TaATG10b, and TaATG10c) of the ATG10 family in common wheat 92R137/Yangmai 1587 induced by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici for 48 h, using homologous cloning technique. The three TaAGT10s shared high similarity with their counterparts from other model plants. Expression of TaATG10a or TaATG10b rescued the autophagy process in ATG10-defective yeast mutant, suggesting that both genes are functional homologues of yeast ATG10. TaATG10a and TaATG10b had similar gene models containing six exons and five introns, and both had two alternatively-spliced mRNA isoforms according to RT-PCR assay. TaATG10a- and TaATG10b-GFP fusion structures were located in cytosol of onion epidermal cells. The expression of TaATG10a and TaATG10b was induced by the infection of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt), implying that TaATG10s and their involved autophagy process are implicated in the wheat immune response to Bgt. This implication is very complex because the regulated expression profiles of TaATG10a and TaATG10b are different between resistant and susceptible reactions, between different types of resistance gene-mediated immune reactions, and between susceptible reactions on different genetic backgrounds. Besides, exogenous phytohormones also modulated TaATG10a and TaATG10b expressions. The difference of Bgt immune reaction between the resistant and susceptible genotypes might result partially from the different response patterns of TaATG10sto exogenous salicylic acid, ethylene, or abscisic acid.

      Rice Lateral Root Development and Its Impact Factors
      LIU Da-Tong,JING Yan-Ping,CHEN Jing-Jing,YU Xu-Run,WANG Zhong*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1403-1411.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01403
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      The adventitious roots and primary roots of Nipponbare, Yangdao 6were used to measure lateral root number and the growth increment by Image J software with scanning photograph. Morphological and structural changes of lateral root primodia were observed by applying Spurr resin embedding and semi-thin sectioning, and light microscopy. Impacts of the lateral root emergence on the parent root structure was observed by fluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Treatments with plant hormones, metal ions, illumination, and cutting off shoots or root tips were set up to analyse their influence on lateral root development. Results showed that rice lateral root initiation occurred from the pericycle. The endodermis also participatedin the lateral root primodia formation and played protective as well as assistant roles in the process. The outward growth of lateral root primordia was realized by cell divisions of apical meristem and cell elongation at the base area. The cortex and epidermis structures of parent roots were also altered during the process of lateral root emergence. Exogenous IAA promoted the occurrence of lateral roots, but its high concentrations inhibited lateral root emergence. The number of lateral roots and growth of primary roots were significantly decreased when shoots were cut off. The apical dominance of root was lost when root tips were cut off, so that the growth of lateral roots and secondary lateral roots was accelerated. Unilateral illumination induced the increase of lateral roots in the light side. Abscisic acid at low concentrations promoted the formation of lateral roots. The formation of lateral roots and growth of primary root were promoted by Ca2+, while mostly inhibited by EDTA. The growth tendency of both adventitious roots and primary roots responsive to the treatments was basically consistent.

      Effects of Nitrogen Rates on Grain Yield and Population Quality of Mid-season Japonica Rice Cultivars at Different Decades in Jiangsu
      CHEN Lu,ZHANG Wei-Yang,WANG Zhi-Qin,ZHANG Hao,LIU Li-Jun,YANG Jian-Chang*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1412-1423.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01412
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      It is important to find a fast, reliable and accurate method for estimating canopy construction parameters in the study of vegetation-climate interaction. In the present study, three rice varieties with different canopy structures were chosen as experimental materials. A digital camera with a fisheye lens was used to take photos in eight heights of rice canopy to develop a new approach for concluding rice canopy. Canopy gaps were extracted from those photos, and then leaf area index (LAI) and mean leaf angle (MLA) could be inversed by Beer-Lambert theory, based on the quantitative relationship between the radiation condition and the canopy structure. Results showed that LAI inverted from the hemispherical photograph was 7.6%–13.1% less than that measured manually, and the root mean square error (RMSE) between them was 1.20–1.45. The data showed that hemispherical photography was better than Sunscan canopy system. Moreover, MLA inverted from the hemispherical photograph was related to that measured manually with 0.9205** of correlation coefficient and 11.7° of RMSE. Therefore, hemispherical photography is a feasible technology to indirectly measure the rice canopy structure.

      Subdivision of Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Rice Based on 15N Tracer
      LIN Jing-Jing,LI Gang-Hua,XUE Li-Hong,ZHANG Wu-Jun,XU Hui-Ge,WANG Shao-Hua,YANG Lin-Zhang,DING Yan-Feng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1424-1434.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01424
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      The nitrogen (N) uptake, and N use efficiencies (NUE) at different rice growth stages (i.e. during basal, tillering and panicle fertilizations) were studied using 15N isotope tracing. A two-year field experiment with two N rates and two distribution ratios was conducted using two different high-yielding rice cultivars Wuyunjing 23 (japonica) and Yliangyou 2 (hybrid indica). A sub-plot of 15N isotope tracing experiment with three duplications under the same treatment was also set up in the field. The results revealed that basal nitrogen absorbed by rice was only 1.5%–11.5% before tillering fertilization (eight days after transplanting), 6.6%–24.9% from tillering fertilization to panicle fertilization, and little after panicle fertilization. The overall recovery efficiency of basal N (NUEB) was low and ranged from 9.1% to 22.8%, not significantly affected by different cultivars and N treatments. Tillering fertilizer N was mainly absorbed from tillering fertilization to panicle fertilization, and no longer had effect after panicle fertilization. NUE of tillering N fertilizer (NUET) was 17%–34%, which is almost the same as that of basal fertilizer. NUET of Yliangyou 2 was higher than that of Wuyunjing 23. Compared with basal and tillering N fertilizers, NUE of panicle N fertilizer (NUEP) was the highest with a value of 54.0%–82.1%, and Wuyunjing 23 had lower NUE than Yliangyou 2. The whole NUE in the entire growth period of all N fertilizers decreased with the increase of N application rate, and varied from 32% to 64%. Among the total N uptake of rice, the contribution was 4.13%–10.59% (average 6.92%) for basal N fertilizer, 3.98%–11.75% (average 7.58%) for tillering fertilizer, 13.32%–37.56% (average 26.02%) for panicle fertilizer, and 45.71%–70.83% (average 59.91%) for the soil. The experiment also revealed that the more the basal and tillering fertilizers applied, the lower the total NUE. It is suggested that rice N management, the N absorption and utilization from fertilizer applied at different stages should be considered to improve the NUE of rice, and ensure the hig yield while avoid the N loss.

      Effect of Plant Density on Microstructure of Stalk Vascular Bundle of Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) and Its Characteristics of Sap Flow
      FENG Hai-Juan,ZHANG Shan-Ping,MA Cun-Jin,LIU Peng,DONG Shu-Ting,ZHAO Bin,ZHANG Ji-Wang,YANG Jin-Sheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1435-1442.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01435
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      Improving plant density is an important measure to get high yield of summer maize. Two varieties of summer maize with different density tolerances, Zhengdan 958 and Nongda 108, were used to study the effect of plant density on structure of vascular bundles of the third internode and its characteristics of sap flow under three plant densities. The results showed that the cross sectional area of stem and the amount and area of big, small vascular bundles in stalks decreased significantly with the increase of plant density, which resulted in the total number and area of vascular bundle decreased. Nongda 108 was more sensitive to plant density than Zhengdan 958. The sap flow rate and amount of sap during 8:00–17:00 decreased significantly with the increase of plant density, while the transport efficiency of stalk vascular bundle increased. There was a positive correlation between area of big vascular bundles and amount of sap flow during 8:00–17:00. The structure and function of stalk vascular bundles in Zhengdan 958 were superior to these in Nongda 108, it might be one of the reason that Zhengdan 958 with better density tolerance could get high yield.

      Inversion of Rice Canopy Construction Parameters from the Hemispherical Photograph
      HU Ning,L? Chuan-Gen,YAO Ke-Min,ZHANG Xiao-Cui
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1443-1451.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01443
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       It is important to find a fast, reliable and accurate method for estimating canopy construction parameters in the study of vegetation-climate interaction. In the present study, three rice varieties with different canopy structures were chosen as experimental materials. A digital camera with a fisheye lens was used to take photos in eight heights of rice canopy to develop a new approach for concluding rice canopy. Canopy gaps were extracted from those photos, and then leaf area index (LAI) and mean leaf angle (MLA) could be inversed by Beer-Lambert theory, based on the quantitative relationship between the radiation condition and the canopy structure. Results showed that LAI inverted from the hemispherical photograph was 7.6%–13.1% less than that measured manually, and the root mean square error (RMSE) between them was 1.20–1.45. The data showed that hemispherical photography was better than Sunscan canopy system. Moreover, MLA inverted from the hemispherical photograph was related to that measured manually with 0.9205** of correlation coefficient and 11.7° of RMSE. Therefore, hemispherical photography is a feasible technology to indirectly measure the rice canopy structure.

      Effect of Rotation of Leguminous Plants on Soil Available Nutrients and Physical and Chemical Properties in Continuous Cropping Potato Field
      QIN Shu-Hao,CAO Li,ZHANG Jun-Lian,SHI Shang-Li,WANG Di
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1452-1458.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01452
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      Soil available nitrogen, soil available phosphorus and soil available potassium contents were improved to some extent by the rotation of Medicago lupulina, Longdong alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and common vetch (Vicia sativa). Soil available nitrogen content was greatly increased for 2 or more -year continuous cropping field by the rotation of the three leguminous plants, and the maximum increase reached 476%. Soil available phosphorus content was greatly increased for 3 or more-year continuous cropping field by the rotation of Medicago lupulina L. and Medicago sativa L., and the maximum increase was 207%. Soil available potassium content was increased for 3–4 year continuous cropping field by the rotation of Medicago lupulina, which was not observed for other continuous cropping fields under the rotation of Vicia sativa and Medicago sativa. Soil conductivity was significantly decreased by the rotation of three leguminous plants, with the maximum decrease of 69.7% compared with CK. This result indicated soil salinization for continuous cropping field could be prevented effectively by practicing the rotation of leguminous plants. Moreover, the activities of urease, alkaline phosphatase and hydrogen peroxidase were significantly increased by practicing leguminous plants rotation. The significant effects of rotation of leguminous plants on next-cropping-potato yield were observed from the second year of potato continuous cropping. And during the third to fourth years of potato continuous cropping, potato yield was increased by the rotation of Medicago lupulina and common vetch.

      Effects of Farming Practice during Fallow Period on Soil Water Storage and Yield of Dryland Wheat in Different Rainfall Years
      SUN Min,WEN Fei-Fei,GAO Zhi-Qiang*,REN Ai-Xia,DENG Yan,ZHAO Wei-Feng,ZHAO Hong-Mei,YANG Zhen-Ping,MIAO Guo-Yuan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1459-1469.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01459
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      Soil water storage (SWS) is the critical factor influencing wheat yield in dryland area. A field experiment was carried out in Wenxi County, Shanxi Province from July 2009 to June 2012 (three cropping seasons) to study the effect of tillage during fallow period on annual SWS and wheat yield. Compared to no tillage (NT), deep plowing (DP), subsoiling (SS) increased SWS in 0–300 cm soil layer at sowing stage by 63–91 mm in dry year, 41–70 mm in normal rainfall year and 54–74 mm in humid year. The annual SWS efficiency was much improved by tillage during fallow period, especially the late growth stage of wheat in dry and humid years, resulting in increases of grain yield and yield components. In dry year, wheat yield was enhanced as high as 34% (SS) and 45% (DP). In normal rainfall year, spike number, grain number per spike, and grain yield significantly increased in DP and SS compared to NT. In yield components, spike number received the largest effect of tillage, either DP or SS, under normal and rich rainfall conditions. In DP and SS treatments, spike number had close correlation with120–180 cm soil water reduction from sowing to jointing and 60–120 cm soil water reduction from jointing to anthesis, grain number per spike was correlated with 60–120 cm soil water reduction from sowing to jointing, and grain yield was correlated with 60–120 cm soil water reduction from jointing to anthesis and 120–180 cm soil water reduction from anthesis to maturity. Clear, tillage during fallow period could significantly increase rainfall productive efficiency and water use efficiency in rainfed field. DP and SS have positive effects on SWS during fallow period and utilization of water in deep soil layers. The improved water utilization is the basis for improved yield components and high yield ultimately. Tillage during fallow period is recommended with DP practice in dry and normal rainfall years and SS practice in humid year.

      Effects of Low Temperature Stress on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Cold Tolerance in Micro-endosperm Super Sweet and Super High Oil Maize
      HAO Xiao-Qin,YAO Peng-He,GAO Zheng-Rong,WU Zi-Kai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1470-1484.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01470
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      In the germination and seedling stages of the maize, five micro-endosperm super sweet and super high oil maize (abbreviation as ME) hybrid combinations, two control materials Gaoyou 115 and Zhengtian 68 were used to study the changes of physiological and biochemical characteristics, such as germination rate, germination energy, relative conductivity, contents of MDA, proline, soluble sugar, soluble protein, chlorophyll, and SOD, POD activities under low temperature stress. At the same time, the identification of cold tolerance of the materials were conducted. Based on the multiple physiological and biochemical parameters, we employed the fuzzy membership function to evaluate the cold tolerance of the experiment materials comprehensively. The results showed that the relative conductivity had a little increase, but the proline content and SOD activity increased largely in ME1, ME2, ME3, and Gaoyou 115, as compared with ME5, ME4 and Zhengtian68 in the germination stage. It was advised that relative conductivity, proline content and SOD activity could be used to predict cold tolerance of the materials more effectively in germination stage. In the seedling stage, compared with ME5 and Zhengtian 68, the MDA content increased a little and activities of SOD, POD and proline content increased largely in ME2, ME1, and Gaoyou 115. So we thought that MDA content, proline content, SOD and POD activities can be used to predict the cold tolerance of the experiment materials in seedling stage. Meanwhile, membership function value showed that the cold tolerance of the five ME materials was stronger than that of Zhengtian 68. Among the five ME materials, ME2 showed a strong ability to tolerate low temperature stress in germination and seedling stages, ME1 and ME3 showed moderate tolerance, and ME4 and ME5 showed weak tolerance.

      Simulation of Winter Wheat Yield in Response to Irrigation Level at Critical Growing Stages in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain
      XU Jian-Wen,MEI Xurong,JU Hui,LI Ying-Chun,LIU Qin,YANG Jian-Ying
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1485-1492.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01485
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      Water deficiency is recognized as a major problem in winter wheat production in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. This study aimed to assess the impact of drought stress on winter wheat yield and raise irrigation proposals for water-saving production in this area. With reference to the fact of water deficits in major growth stages of wheat and the local irrigation practice, we input different irrigation levels (volumes) required by the DSSAT crop model to simulate yield variations in response to irrigation levels at critical growing stages in four typical sites during the past three decades. The cumulative probability for yield reduction was concluded based on irrigation at jointing–heading and filling stages. The greatest yield reduction was found under jointing–heading drought stress, and the relative change rate in yield was two folds to that under drought stress at filling stage. This relative yield change was primarily attributed to the relative change in grain number per square meter caused by water deficiency during jointing–heading stage. Under high-strength drought stress, medium yield reduction dominantly resulted from water deficiency during jointing–heading, with a two-fold probability to that under drought stress at filling stage (except for Yanzhou site); whereas, slight and severe yield reductions at Shijiazhuang and Tianjin sites resulted from early (jointing–heading) drought stress and those at Yanzhou and Xinxiang sites were attributed to either early (jointing–heading) or late (filling stage) drought stress. At Yanzhou and Xinxiang sites, the probabilities of slight yield reduction were similar under early and later drought stressed; however, water deficiency at filling stage resulted in severe yield reduction. These results indicate that irrigation is important not only from jointing to heading but also at filling stage of winter wheat in the southern area of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.

      Genetic Analysis of Silique Length Using Mixture Model of Major Gene Plus Polygene in Brassica napus L.
      ZHOU Qing-Yuan,CUI Cui,YIN Tao,CHEN Dong-Liang,ZHANG Zheng-Sheng,LI Jia-Na
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1493-1500.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01493
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      Silique is one of major components for rapeseed yield. Inheritance of silique body length (SBL), valid silique length (VSL) and beak length (BL) in a cross of variety Zhongshuang 11 with long silique (P1) and line 10D130 with short silique (P2) was investigated by the mixed major gene plus polygene inheritance model. The results showed that SBL, VSL and BL in the populations of F2, BCP1, and BCP2 were controlled by the major gene and polygenes. The SBL were dominated by two major genes with additive-dominance-epistasis effects plus polygenes with additive-dominance-epistasis effects (E-0 model). The heritability values of the major genes of SBL in BCP1, BCP2, and F2 were estimated as 51.10%, 74.23%, and 66.93%, respectively, and the heritability values of the polygene were 29.16%, 17.11%, and 23.96%, respectively. The additive effects of two major genes of SBL were 1.75 and –0.06, and the dominant effects of two major genes were –0.59 and –0.86, respectively. The valid silique length was controlled by two major genes with additive-dominance-epistasis effects plus polygenes with additive-dominance effects (E-1 model). Heritability values of the major genes for SL in BCP1, BCP2, and F2 generations were estimated as 47.63%, 68.51%, and 79.45%, respectively, and the heritability values of the polygene were 29.40%, 20.89%, and 12.47%, respectively. The additive effects of two major genes were equal (0.34) to there of the cross, but the dominant effects of the two major genes were –0.81 and –0.47, respectively. The beak length was dominated by two major gene with additive effects plus polygenes with additive- dominance effects (E-3 model). Heritability values of the major genes of BL in the cross were 33.71%, 72.75%, and 52.25%, respectively, and the heritability values of the polygene were 40.08%, 5.37%, and 27.60%, respectively. The additive effects of two major genes were 0.20 and –0.20, respectively.

      Differential Expression of ATP Synthesis Related Gene in Fertility Conversion of Wheat BNS Male Sterile Line
      WANG Zhen,FAN Xiao-Jing,ZHANG Miao,LI Xue-Yin,ZHANG Fang-Ning,LI Gui-Dong,SHEN Fang-Di,MA Ling-Jian*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1501-1505.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01501
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      BNS male sterile line is a temperature-sensitive type in wheat. This study aimed at disclosing the role of ATPase α submit and the adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (APRT) in BNS male sterility. At four key stages of pollen development, the differential expressions of ATPase α submit gene and APRT were analyzed using fluorescence real-time quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) technique. Under sterile condition, the relative expression of ATPase α submit gene decreased constantly from tetrad phase to binucleated stage. Particularly, the expression of ATPase α submit gene in uninucleated period was significantly lower in sterile plant than in fertile plant. At four stages, APRT1 had lower expressions under sterile condition than under fertile condition, whereas, APRT2 maintained low expression level in fertility conversion. The transcription levels of APRT genes increased significantly in trinucleate period, and the variation was more obvious in fertile plants than in sterile plants. Therefore, ATPase α submit is positively related to fertility conversion in BNS sterile line and APRT genes probably play a role in trinucleate period.

      Effects of Seedlings per Hole on Matter Production Characteristics and Lodging Resistance in Japonica Rice with Different Panicle Types
      XU Na,WANG Jia-Yu,LI Qing,YANG Xian-Li,LIU Zun-Qi,JING Yan-Hui,XU Zheng-Jin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1506-1512.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01506
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      The effects of planting seedlings per hole on the rice matter production characteristics and lodging resistance were studied using the ideal japonica rice varieties Ri22 and Shennong 265 in 2012–2013. The main results were as follows: (1) Dry matter accumulation and total dry matter accumulation of Ri22 and Shennong265 before or after heading increased with the increasing of seedlings per hole, the transport rate and contribution rate of stem and leaf showed the opposite trend. (2) There was a slight influence on internode bending moment and lodging index of Ri22 and Shennong 265 with different seedlings per hole. Internode bending moment decreased slightly with the increasing of seedlings per hole, the lodging index showed the opposite. (3) With the increasing of seedlings per hole, the effective panicles of Ri22 and Shennong265 increased and the total grains per panicle decreased significantly, while seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight had little changed. (4) The yield of Ri22 and Shennong 265 increased slightly with the increasing of seedlings per hole. In order to achieve the unity of high yield and lodging resistance, the suitable density for Ri22 in Shenyang should be 2–4 seedlings per hole, and more than that density for Shennong 265.

      Double Fertilization and Duration of Phases in Peanut (Arachis hgpogaea L.)
      SHI Chun-Yan,SHEN Jia-Heng*,LI Wei
      Acta Agron Sin. 2014, 40(08):  1513-1519.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01513
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       We used paraffin section technology to observe fertilization and duration of phased in fertilization of Arachis hypogaea L. The results indicated that reproductive cell in the pollen came into mitosis tube one hour after bloom, the mitosis lasted about three hours. Sperms released to embryonary sac at about eight hours after flowering. Sperm and egg cell or polar nucleus or secondary nucleus fused from nine to fifteen hours after flowering. Fusion needed about four hours. There were obvious isometrical two nuclei in the zygote at 30 hours after the two nucleole fusion, which came into division stage. Most of zygote had transverse division, and a few longitudinal division. First division needed about 36 hours after bloom, then formed two-cell proembryo and zygote had a dormant period for about 19 hours. After polar nucleus or secondary nucleus fertilization, almost the fusion completed in 13 hours after bloom, and male nucleolus appeared in one of polar nucleus or secondary nucleus, forming primary endosperm nucleus. The primary endodperm nucleus started division without domancy or after short dormant period in 15 hours after bloom. There were more sperms coming into embryonary sat and also single fertilization phenomenon.This study provides a understanding for morphological changed and corresponding timing of male and female cells in peanut fertiligation, confirms the duration of zygote dormancy, and enriches thepeanut embryological information, which has great significance for peanut breeding and genetically modified (gm) operation.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
